I wasn't as productive today as I could have been. But hey, I finished that chapter this morning, right? A few edits (and I'm totally in
thehighwaywoman's debt here) and I'll be posting that tonight.
And me? Just now? Fell in love with Fringe. Goddammit, I hate JJ Abrams. Pinged the family heartstring and its all over. (Note to self: find True Blood torrent. Will want that tomorrow, yes.)
I meant to do Kane icons tonight... that isn't going to happen but its ok because I did make banners for Cassie's new Harry Potter rp community
acciopatronus. (Comm isn't open yet, but if you like that sort of thing keep your eye on it.)
Brushes by axeraider70 (1 only) and solenero73 (all)
Aaaand tomorrow is new comic day. Since I've got to get up early, and I haven't had such a great track record with sleeping lately, I'm gonna hit bed early tonight.
Did I mention that I hate math? I do. A lot. ::kicks math class hard::