original writing: Motorcycle Vagabond (1/?)

Aug 24, 2008 14:52

Title: Motorcycle Vagabond
Rating: G
Words: 206
Note: This character has moved into my head and I don't know what to do with her. There's not enough of anything to place her in something, to make something out of her, so I'm fiddling to see if I can figure out who she is. This is just a drabble, I know. Please read and critique (unless you're one of those busy people doing something like a dissertation), make suggestions (theme, location, style), whatever. Tell me if this is something you'd like to see popping out of my brain every now and then.
Summary: She watches the waves at Point Pleasant.

The boardwalk creaks under her feet, gray and splintered but echoing in the silence. She finds a bench and sits, listening to the quiet of the off season. Point Pleasant, New Jersey isn't much of anywhere this time of year, even counting the two boys fishing off that pier in the distance.

The arcades are empty, their lights all turned off and entries shuttered. There isn't the smell of hot dogs or subs or fresh corn soaking in butter to fill the air. Even the gulls are subdued. They drift in the gray sky from sea to shore and back again.

The sky is darkening at the horizon to the south east. Judging by the way the waves are getting choppier, slate colored and entirely uninviting, she'll have to leave soon. She doesn't like riding her Harley in the rain at the best of times, and she can find her way north into Canada if she wants to drive in the freezing rain well enough, thank you.

Maybe she'll come back when it got warmer. When the water is awash with children, and the sand is filled with as many teenagers as cigarette butts. Probably not, though.

First she'll head west til she hits the Pacific.

Thanks to teithiwr for the tense correction! And jaydecrow for other corrections I'd missed!

original, writing, motorcycle vagabond

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