ficrec: CWRPF: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things 1/1

Aug 24, 2008 12:13

Title: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Author: trollprincess
Fandom: CW RPS (except how can it be RPS if there's no slash? ~H)
Pairing: None
Summary: Crack AU! I was going to write a Dirty Jobs crossover where Mike Rowe rides along with the Winchesters (*flings plotbunny at ... uh, ANYBODY ELSE*) and somewhere along the line this line that I cracked during some internet discussion about an actor signing up for a movie slipped into my brain where I said something like, “Oh, no, you don't get the character's superpowers until AFTER you make the movie.” And then I wrote this. *dances*

He listens to the message about the new show about two minutes after he stumbles through the front door, covered in grave dirt and blood (most of it not his) and reeking of dead things. Or one dead thing in particular, really, 'cause that's what happens when a ghoul just kinda drapes itself over you and drools.

Icons will be happening today, but it suddenly occurred to me that in my recent bout of fic hunting I hadn't hit up trollprincess. And that, right there? Tragedy against fanfiction. So I merrily went clicking, and found this.

What if Jared and Jensen were hunters in their spare time? This, my friends, is brilliant. Short and sweet, and funny in all the right places. I love the characterizations, hands down. Go read, and be amused!

supernatural, ficrec, cwrpf

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