The weekend of insanity is over...

May 06, 2008 12:12

The only people I ended up getting a hold of yesterday were Mike and his daughter, but they picked me and David up and we went to Chile's. Had an Awesome Blossom which... I haven't had one of those in years I think. And then steak. Oh steak...

Then we went to Hooligans. I didn't get particularly smashed (not after last time) but maintained a decent buzz and enjoyed the evening. I don't even have a hangover today, which pleases me immensely.

Now I'm reading these instead of being productive. (I blame you, Ariana!)

ETA: I think my favorite so far is this one:
Confused girl: Someone with an unknown number just called me twice. I, of course, ignored the calls. Then they left a voicemail of music from The Nutcracker...I have the feeling I'm about to be murdered.

New books later, and if I have time I'll try and actually read some of them.

birthday, work

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