Nah-nah-nah naaah Hey Juuude...

Mar 19, 2008 17:36

Ok I'm feeling really random. But really good random.

Dunno where a good day came from, but I'm not arguing!

Business has been pretty good today for being spring break. Sold a whoooole lot of Preacher and miscellaneous Ennis stuff, which makes me pretty happy. So that's one up point.

Then there's Refur's Bunnytron!Sam story. Which, y'know, crack. Who doesn't like crack?

I think Lost is infecting my brain just a little. I dreamt a rather confusing attempt at crossing it over with several things, SGA and Spnl being the only ones I remember. Its kinda sad that I woke up because my subconscious got pissed off at an argument over whether or not a gate could cause an electromagnetic anomaly between McKay and... er, the french guy. Is his name Dominic? Apparently the poor man had been through the argument several times already in an attempt to keep from killing them all. The argument between McKay, Sam, and Locke about the supernatural vs quantum physical nature of the island was much more interesting.... Oh my brain.

And I think today I can finally get at Ductape. Next time I argue over whether or not mood can influence writing, all of you have permission to kick me. Just... not all at once.

Also, am exceptionally amused at my brain's ability to... well, be weird. I wrote a page for Key yesterday that involved Bohemian Rhapsody as the method by which to rid a location of a particular type of demon. Why? Because they have to lipsynch the whole thing. And headbang. ::shakes head:: I don't get it either.

Anyway, its finally time to close the shop. See you guys on the flipside...

tv, work, writing, lost

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