I think my mum is crazy...

Jan 18, 2008 17:12

I know I've thought this before, but... I mean, she just bought me an early birthday present. My birthday is in May. Now, I'm not one to piss on a good gift, and for me this is a great gift, but I'm kinda wondering how she's affording this since... Well, my parents have been pretty much in debt for as long as I can remember.

The gift in question? A Magnavox 19" LCD HDTV (720, she thinks its widescreen) and an HD antenna (for local HD channels).



My mum got me an hdtv. She ordered it today. I really really hope it gets here in time to... well, watch anything interesting. Especially Supernatural. And hopefully this means my cable will work again, but we'll see.

Also? XBox 360 games will be amazing. I'm excited...

In the meantime, I've been writing some. Not always my original stuff, but I've been writing consistently and it makes me inordinately happy. Made myself late for work today because I was writing, actually...

Also, have made another couple icons and a wallpaper.


1: Natalie Portman, photo snagged from an online article (I've lost the URL) about 8 successful geeks to hate. (Did you know she's been published twice in professional science... ugh, can't think of any word but magazines... Also on the list was The Rock, who has a tattoo of the name for his D&D character somewhere on his back...)
2: Jensen Ackles, photo snagged from Desiring Jensen (And it looks different on the work computer than it did on my laptop at home... its... frumpier. Sigh.)

size = 1080x1050
quote from pilot to Firefly
brushes by inobscurio

And, ok, I suck at wallpapers. I probably shouldn't share. However I get the distinct feeling no one's looking anyway and since its my journal it doesn't matter. Nyah.

Stay tuned for a fanfiction post. Assuming the customers don't eat me...

wallpaper, icons, tv

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