
Oct 13, 2006 09:19

Sitting in class right now.... Its called Individuals in Society. But instead of talking about crimes in culture or something productive we're having a lesson in Islamic law. Which would be interesting, if the professor was going to go into other cultures as well. She's Palestinian, which is cool. It would be cooler if she actually personalized anything instead of being strictly academic. I mean, what its amounting to is information coming straight from the text, and information coming straight from what might as well be a text about Islam. Everything is so dry. I would rather be sleeping.

I miss Williamsen. He made sociology seem applicable and worthwhile...

Edit: And now we're on to social propaganda! Honor killings are okay if you're raised in the social context, really! If a woman is raped, she's going to report it even though it means her own family will kill her! So obviously the numbers in crime world comparison charts (from the 70's no less) are completely correct.
... Now the professor is trying to explain how they know everything about every individual and if a woman dissappears....... I'm going to put my iPod back on now. I understand social imagination and I understand cultures need to be viewed within their own context, but I really don't want to listen to this right now. Maybe someone more intelligent can explain this to me without me finding it EXTREMELY offensive. (She just admitted the Qur'an does define rape as a crime... can I throw things yet? Please?)


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