Aug 01, 2011 21:10
....AO3 lets you download things in mobi format?
.... :D :D :D :D :D :D insert giant shiny beamyface which defies all emoticons here
I'm... I'm possibly not going to sleep tonight, having discovered this. it's like a whole new world of internet has just been opened to me!
in other news: life is better, though not significantly different, than the last time I posted. things which have changed: I am paid moderately better than previous, I now own a cat, I now own a Kindle, I am planning a trip to San Diego with my roommates at the end of August. good things! so life is okay.
I have seen Deathly Hallows three times already (only once at my own expense, I'm not THAT crazy) and am way, way overdue for a lengthy post about my relationship with Harry Potter and the absolutely insane influence 7 relatively short books have had on my life. (relative to the impact they've made, I mean, not relative to the size of other books, I realize they are pretty hefty on a shelf.) that post's not happening tonight, though, because see above re: fic on my Kindle. FIC ON MY KINDLE. I love you, internet. I love you, OTW.
and I love you, friends list!
harry potter,
the guide,
catface meowmers