Feb 18, 2011 12:27
hello internet! here is a fact: I still don't interact with anyone, at all, ever, except for the hundreds of people I meet for about five minutes at a time every day. it's a very weird sort of loneliness; I've never had a busier job, I've never been surrounded by so many people at once, but I'm not actually making any sort of connection with anyone so it mostly means nothing and still feels like I'm on my own. Well, I do have awesome coworkers, that is another fact. so that's something. but otherwise... so much human interaction, so little meaning or substance behind any of it! it's pretty sad, to be honest, it's bumming me out.
I do still like my job, but there are days when it just exhausts me and I dread it, because I seriously do nothing else anymore. I don't have hobbies, I don't hang out with friends, I barely see my roommates. we have Netflix now, hooked up to the Wii, so sometimes the three of us sit around together and watch some 30 Rock or whatever, but it's mostly just for an hour or two a night, maybe once a week. which isn't much of a social life.
also, it must be said: for all that my job has a lot of perks (getting to call people Muggles, getting into theme parks for free) it pays for shit, and I am not making enough money to be able to set any aside for long-term plans. I still want to travel (one day, Ireland, one day) and as things stand now? totally never going to happen. so I guess I'll need a new job, or at least a second one. guess I'll post about that at some point if anything happens.
anyway. I would love to update further re: my life but like I said I don't actually have much of one! fact. sad.
I HAVE been watching some Doctor Who lately, though, when I need to shut my brain up before bed. the first four seasons of New Who are streaming on Netflix! hella handy. finally have started watching Eleven, and there could be one hell of a rant here but I'll keep it short: I have no idea what everyone sees in the start of this season. I remember, really really well, the way that the entire internet was like "BOO ON MATT SMITH, HE WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH" and then as soon as he showed up everyone immediately went "OMG SO MUCH BETTER THAN DAVID TENNANT COULD EVER BE, I LOVE HIM THE MOST." I do not get what I am missing, and I can't imagine I'm watching this with any more or less cynicism than the rest of the fandom went in with, back at the start.
maybe it comes from a place of having seen Sherlock first? because I can recognize a lot of similar things in Steven Moffat's writing of Eleven and Sherlock, but the problem is that Sherlock is supposed to be an asshole. it's kind of his thing. so the whole "I am a genius, and I will explain exactly why to your tiny minds later but first I must save the world" thing works well for Sherlock, who is a very brilliant, very arrogant little adorable sociopath. on the Doctor, it's just weird, and mixing it in with WHIMSY WHIMSY CHECK OUT MY WHIMSY AS THE CAMERA SPINS AROUND ME doesn't actually distract me from that.
but I will say that Matt Smith and Karen Gillian are excellent and adorable little actors, who rock the hell out of weird writing and bad plots. so I can see being distracted just from that? I guess if I'm only focusing on that- they are both very cute, and good at their jobs!- then the show doesn't bother me as much. but it still kind of irks me that it took until episode 7 (the furthest I've got so far, so maybe things keep improving) for me to actually enjoy an episode properly.
anyway. feel free to tell me all about why you love Eleven, or series five in general, or whatever! I would be very interested in hearing it, since possibly there's just something I'm missing here. and probably it will keep me from doing another post just to rant about my issues with the first half of this season. probably. maybe.
oh dear this became a post about Doctor Who again. well! I have nothing else of actual interest to post about so I guess that's the way it's gotta be :\