Sep 21, 2009 23:57
It's a day for feeling sad and down on myself, internet. it has also, by and large, been a day for headaches and gross, which doesn't help. But I feel pretty mopey, useless, and fail, is my point. not a fan.
I keep getting these urges to just pack up and move somewhere crazy, or at least job hunt somewhere crazy first. I'm broke, my family's broke, it'd be really stupid and irresponsible of me to just take off at random. but it's tempting. I don't want to say I hate this town; it's a pretty nice town, on the whole. there's just nothing here for me, apart from family and familiarity. and I'm kind of over familiarity.
fuck I'm a boring emo kid today. well, whatever, this is LJ after all and what is an LJ for if not angsty high schooler mode? and icons. angsting and icons.
actually maybe I'll spend my night on icons, that could be fun.
useless post is useless.