Sorry, no penguin pictures here yet, this is just a random quick post. About Stargate Atlantis! aren't you surprised? I don't know why I bother since it seems not many people on my flist are even into the show but whatever, this is my journal, and it's what I want to post about.
I haven't seen the most recent episode yet but having read some spoilers... God, screw this shit so hard. Really? We're really going down the McKay/Keller road? As some kind of epic romance? REALLY? I love McKay, I absolutely believe he deserves to be happy, I just have some real issues with the idea that finding Twu Wuv is what's going to give him that happiness.
And I love Jewel Staite. I mean, I love the hell out of her. She was on Flash Forward! and Space Cases! and Firefly! I've loved her since I was like 8! But this show is making me hate her. This is so very unacceptable. Tonight at
burning_bryght's we watched an episode of Firefly and the contrast really drove home for me how very much I cannot take SGA's handling of Jewel. At all.
Even when she first showed up- all nervous and "I am wrong for this job!"-y, I wasn't feeling it. Dude, everyone in Atlantis is wrong for their job. Carson was a geneticist. Suck it up. But, whatever, she moved past that, fine. Then that one time she and Teyla got kidnapped by Danny Trejo (LOLOLOLOL) she was all "I went to college rly young! I am socially awkward! woe!" And that was, y'know, kind of random, kind of whiny, not impossible to deal with but not particularly interesting or endearing either.
And then remember that one time she fell down a hole with McKay and Carter? and suddenly she's all cool girl who knows bar tricks etc? I... what? What happened to socially awkward, writers? That was not that long ago. What the fuck?
And I remember, after that, a lot of fans were like "wtf, getting drinks with McKay, she totally was smoochyfacing with Ronon that one time!" And the writers were like "pff! She's just getting a drink with him! It's not like they're dating! It means nothing!"
Oh, except here we are a season later and APPARENTLY IT MEANS O BTW ILU.
She is inconsistently written, and even disregarding that, she is never even particularly interestingly written.
I can buy her with Ronon. They're close in age (yes, somehow this is a thing for me sometimes, don't question it) and there's the whole thing with her reminding him of his tragically dead nurse girlfriend or whatever. It works for me. Still not interesting, but it at least makes sense. Unlike sudden random declarations of love after ONE DRINK A YEAR AGO.
I guess I'd handle it better if she'd been shown to be at all interesting, if she'd had any sort of meaningful interaction with Rodney (or anyone else) on a regular basis. But she hasn't. She's just about as cardboard a character as Katie Brown was.
Also on the petty stupid side of things I just really hate it when McKay's all friendly and sweet, as he is with girls he likes or when Rod or when losing his mind or whatever. It's just creepy to me, and not cute. I find I like him a lot more when he's being sort of... unlikeable. Anything else doesn't suit him. He gets all self-deprecating. It's weird.
In conclusion: I sort of hate Keller. I definitely hate McKay/Keller. And if this is the way things are going to be, then by all fucking means cancel the hell out of this show before it gets any worse.
And to think, I just bought the SGA season 4 DVDs yesterday. I guess it's possible I'll end up regretting that purchase. It's not like I liked that season much anyway.
meaningful update to come, eventually, maybe. Right now I'm too annoyed.