Transparent Tarot - 1st Try

Dec 14, 2008 20:09

The plastic cards were surprisingly easy to shuffle like a normal deck.
I didn't start with any large questions, just a simple query, on this night which is one past a very bright Full Moon: what is obvious and before me?
The Wheel of Fortune lays in the center with, from upper left, the 4 of Pents, the 8 of Swords, the 2 of Pents and the 6 of Pents.  Overlaying the Wheel is the 3 of Wands.  Off to the side is the 9 of Swords over the Knight of Cups.
Yes, things are changing - I think I have seen that in my Doors reading.  There is the re-entrenchment of the 4, sometimes called the Miser, reinforced by the Swords but emphasizing that we choose not to look - and there is that fence of the imagination and that place of safety.  The figure on the 2 of Pents spreads his or her arms, as if in offering while the six shows the giving, of mother to child.  So the time of drawing within will end and, once more, we will give of the self.  Who would have these two pentacles?  The figures seem to spiral into the center until the three figures on the wands card appear to dance atop the wheel, their staffs combining to light one fire of Unity.
Off to the side, the swords of Nightmare laid over the Knight struck me: his cup is poised to catch the frightened tears as he is directly beneath the impassioned figure of the other card.  There is no offer, just the giving of comfort.  In perfect love and perfect trust, when the need is there we do what is necessary.
When I re-spread I merely stack the cards atop each other: the ace of Pents (gee, where have I seen this before?), the 9 of Pents, the Hermit and the Knights of Cups and Wands.  So many cards that I have drawn before that show the movement and new stirrings that are coming.  Those Knights will ride through those open Doors, the Cup full of the cherished tears, the Staff of action ready to cast its magic and, behind it all, a great Pentacle.  The Hermit card is a singular mountain among a range of peaks with the Sun peaking from behind, sheltering the Pentacle.  The figure on the nine is yet another symbol of offering: we have been blessed with plenty and its beauty is ready to be shared.
I separate the two Knights and overlay the man of wands with the Empress and the 9 of Cups.  The Knight of Cups is covered by the Ace of Swords and the Wheel.  The Empress is a gentle hill adorned with concentric circles - it looks like a sleeping breast as if all the Earth is a Woman.  The Cups are scattered merrily about this hill even as the Knight kneels behind, holding his staff before him.
Overlaying the Knight of Cups, the Wheel appears to be suspended on the sword - Change will come with action, it will not come by itself.  Perhaps there is some control that can be exerted......
So what should I do?  Temperance, a rainbow pouring between the chalice and the flame; the Chariot, two horse heads facing outward; the three of Cups, so much like the 3 of wands, a toast in celebration.  So I will get in the car and go see my family, bringing joy with me.
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