Apr 06, 2008 11:23
I don't usually have to get out of bed so early on Sundays - only when I want to head over to Wegman's to beat the breakfast crowd. My first thought, on being awakened by the Scoots early this morning, was that she was having personal issues. I lay there a moment asking myself if she had been let out late enough last night and did she get something bad to eat during the evening. No, this was more urgent dogspeak of the 'come here now, mom!' variety. Grumbling that I probably just had a chipmunk on the front step (which means that the critter is a foot from Scoots' nose but on the other side of two panes of glass) I got up and went out to the living room.
They were hard to see in the predawn light but there were something like 5 or 6 large deer in the front yard of the house across the street. No wonder Scoots was hooting and hollering. I let her out the back on her run and the deer beat feet; I didn't notice that there were any out in the neighbor's back field. An interesting start to the day.