(Keep an eye out for Challenge #18 voting, posted later today)
Challenge #19 : Random and Far Out
All Submissions Due Saturday May 7
• You MUST be a member
• Please only submit icons you have created for this challenge (aka brand new).
• Do not share the icon(s) until after the challenge is finished.
• All effects are allowed (textures, brushes, coloring, blending, etc).
• Animations are allowed and even highly encouraged.
• You may reuse images or blend two together, you can do whatever you want with them.
• You can submit up to FOUR [04] icons.
• Theme 1 is a picture challenge. The icon's Haven source must be from the provided images.
• Theme 2 is a topical challenge. The icon can use any image(s), but must explore the topic in some way.
• Please submit all entries to this screened post as followed:
http://i930.photobucket.com/albums/ad150/desenchanter/haven/h21.pngTHEME: (whichever theme(s) the icon is for, ie: "1" or "2" or "both" )
You can copy and paste the following code:
Theme 1: Random
(I covered my eyes and everything for these - I now realize just how many shots feature Audrey, or another woman :D )
Theme 2 : Far Out
The subject of the icon should be a distance from the camera - that is "far away." How far this actually is up to artistic interpretation, though from a technical standpoint, the subject should take up less than a third of the icon.
PS: As always, cleverly reinterpreting the theme is always encouraged, so if you'd instead like to make this about the 70s and psychedelic colours, or reposition the Havenites in the far reaches of outer space, that is also highly cool ;)