-This is goin to be a very random update of Lyrics;;and other things I feel need to be said =)
Someone *cough cough* christian *cough* really needs to change their about. stop tryin to pretend like we're together [b e c a u s e] we're not. Just so e v e r y o n e knows.
I need a dime, thats top of the l i n e, cute face little waist with a b i g behind.
Nicholas Jordan Roop is changing his name to Rosco P. Coaltrain. =)--And i'm daisy.
-Emily has a grill in her living room. It's large and silver.
Yes! Emily and I are getting our belly buttons peirced monday..woot woot.
--there is a shasta shortz can sittin here at Emilys we arent sure what it is... lol
I was going to go to the game tonight but i didnt i stayed home and talked on the phone/Q to Nicholas
Mike Jones...Who?...Mike Jones
S h a k e it from the tip if you a bad [[B i t c h]]
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
"I Thought I loved you but I neither of us loved the other But, Hey Shit happens
Yall w a n n a single fuck that, fuck that, fuck that
I bet you w a n t my body, bet you< thought about it. =)
I'll fuckin cut "her" finger of then NO-ONE will wanna hold her god damn hand.
You should be jealous when he comes over here. He knows how to make my bed hit the wall harder than u ever could.
you`ve just earned yourself a black belt, you made her cry .
"I think it`s quite pathetic how you`re so stuck up I thought that as we got older people would grow the fuck up. this isn`t kindergarten sweetie stop playing childish games no more pranks, no more rumors, o more calling names…. now since i'm mature i`ll forgive & forget. Bt watch out next time yuu pull that shit yeah - "hat’s a threat"
One day everyone will realize
It's not about
¦ Being perfect. It's about
Being happy
She finally lets go of her fake smile.
The tears slowly roll down her face
as she whispers in the mirror,
"I don't want to be me."
In every good girl theres a bad girl just waiting to get naked
i smile each time i hear your voice,
i cant help it, its not by choice
for every b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t. lie you tell me, i'll play another violin note on my w r i s t s.
and all i need right now is for you to wrap me
up in your arms look me in the eyes & tell me
you wont ever give me up
when you run from something
it only stays with you longer..
& when you fight something
you only make it stronger.
i'll smile til my face falls off my head
if it's good for you, it's good for me too
If one day you feel like crying... Call me. I don't promise that I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away-- Don't be afraid to call me. I don't promise to ask you to stop... But I can run with you. If one day you don't want to listen to anyone... Call me. I promise to be there for you. And I promise to be very quiet. But if one day you call... And there is no answer... Come fast to see me. Perhaps I need you.
she`s just a little too scared to get
close to anyone..
because everyone that she trusted has
hurt her In the end
When you can't stop smiling after you talk to him
And you still get butterflies in your stomach,
And that huge smile across your face everytime you see him
That lets you know that he will
a l w a y s mean s o m e t h i n g to you.
Why does he have to be so cute??
I might just be the perfect example of a girl with a crush on you
you're weird...but i like it!
never give up on somebody you can't go a day without thinking about
Have you ever thought of someone...and realized you were smiling the whole time??
and people keep saying:
'you could get much better'
but the truth is, i don`t want better,
all i want is you.
I'm in love with you
And it's crushing my heart
All I want is you
To take me into your arms
It's amazing how one person can
make you entire day perfect
I keep telling myself things can turn around with time
and if I wait it out you could always change your mind
Like a fairy tale where it works out in the end
Can I close my eyes have you lying here again
Then I come back down,Then I fade back in
Then I realize its just what might have been.
Leave me some comments please. =) love you all.