Hello, wonderful community! Your mod is back on her feet - or, at least, at her keyboard, and ready to pick back up again for those who'd like! I thought we'd do a few non-claim rounds, as people seem to prefer that, and especially as not everyone can make every round, so this allows folks to use the same characters, et c.
Please find below rules and info for R20 - I look forward to seeing the lovely icons you make! I hope this new year is finding you all well, and I look forward very much to sharing our favorite show!
Icons will be due 2 March, 2014 by the end of the day in your time zone.
% Icons must be new for the challenge and meet LJ standards of 40kb and 100x100.
% Submit entries to the community as a new entry. Remember, you must be a member in order to do this. Not a member yet? No problem - ask to sign up! If you are posting your full set directly to the community, please use an lj-cut. If you post to your own journal/community, you will need to post a link back here at the community. You must include 3 teaser icons in your post here. All entries must remain public until voting ends.
% Put your username - round # in the subject line of your entry.
% You can use the table provided; if you’d rather make your own, that’s OK, but please make sure you post icons in the same order with the theme titles. Thanks! It’s also fine to change the colors or fonts or things on the provided table.
% Animated icons are allowed for this challenge, however the limit is 2 per person this time.
% Anything that appears in the screencaps you have chosen for your episode is OK to use; this question came up before because in some later episodes, there are flashback scenes. Using those or the “titles” sequence that plays before all episodes is okay.
FYI, as a mod, I am usually pretty flexible within the bounds of the rules - I really like creativity! So if you’re not sure about an icon, please feel free to PM me to check it out before you submit. Or, if I see something I don’t think fits, I will post a question to your submission and may ask you to revise it.
% Icons are due by 2 March 2014. All entries must be submitted to the community by the end of the day (11:59pm in your time zone). I think my handling of extensions has been unclear in the past - if you need an extension, please ask for one as soon as possible. If I decide to grant an extension, I will make a post before
12:00pm EST (New York time zone) on the due date of the challenge.
% Please try to look at the other posts and leave a constructive comment! Feedback is really nice to get. Encourage your friends to sign up, too!
% Sleepy
% Wide Eyed
% Through the Looking Glass This icon must show a character through a window, or in a mirror or other reflective surface.
% Cameo Appearance This icon should appear like
cameo jewelry.
% Inverse This icon should use inverted colours or contrasts
% Haven Herald Make an icon as it would appear in Haven's finest news source!
% All We Need Haven is a great town, but every place could use improvement. Feature one thing Haven doesn't have you think it should - or one person or concept.
% Awkward Moment
% Steps Icon must focus on shoes or footprints or something related to stepping
% The End Icon must use imagery from the very last cap available in an episode featuring characters.
% Double Take
For each icon, you must make use of a cap with one person removed, and a new one added in his or her place. There aren't rules on how - the addition doesn't have to fit the cap or even necessarily be just the right size, but no trace of the person removed can remain. Let us know who you swapped in your post!
Artist’s Choice
Create 5 icons of your choice.
The table is below: copy and add the links to your icons to create your post:
sleepy |
wide eyed |
through the looking glass |
cameo appearance |
inverse |
haven herald |
all we need |
awkward moment |
steps |
the end |
5 CATEGORY - Double Take
category 1 |
category 2 |
category 3 |
category 4 |
category 5 |
Artist's Choice #1 |
Artist's Choice #2 |
Artist's Choice #3 |
Artist's Choice #4 |
Artist's Choice #5 |