Title: The Most Fabulous Agathon of All
Characters: Luscious N. Delicious/ Ladon Agathon, Hera Agathon, Karl Agathon
Time Period: 1997
Summary: Karl's cousin Ladon is a drag queen named Luscious N. Delicious. This is the first installment of a multi-part fic about their fabulous encounters.
Captain Hera Agathon, CMC grinned from her pile of blankets on the floor as she watched her baby brother Karl wake up on their cousin’s purple velvet couch. She’d woken earlier with a nasty headache and the taste of dirty socks in her mouth; she could only imagine how he felt. He sat upright and looked around, squinting at the bright Caprican sun streaming through a huge bare window. She stifled a laugh as he stood woozily, curling his toes on the dusty once-pink shag carpet, his gaze drifting over the collection of photos taken at night clubs before landing on his smirking sister. He’d been asleep on a couch under a well-worn patchwork quilt, having turned sixteen the day before. Hera had brought him to spend a night celebrating his adulthood with their beloved cousin Luscious and her family of queens. Her own sixteenth birthday had been spent attending a heavy metal concert with a group of friends.
As Hera opened her mouth to greet Karl, both siblings flinched as a crash and a string of colorful words rang out from the kitchen. Luscious N. Delicious flounced out. In her neatly-manicured hands was a rusty red tray with a mug of steaming tea, a slightly-wilted flower in a glass bottle, and a plate with three pieces of singed toast. “Eat, darling,” Luscious said, placing the tray on the floor by Karl’s feet. “Today you are a man, not that I’d know anything about that!” She swiveled with a flip of her long brown hair and walked away. The heavy scent of her perfume trailed behind her.
Sitting up slowly, Hera leaned against the couch, her face not far from her brother’s. She bit into a piece of toast, wrinkling her nose and coughing as the scorched bread hit her taste buds. None of the Agathons could cook and Luscious clearly hadn’t bucked that trend despite being fifteen years older than her baby cousin. Karl rubbed his eyes; as he reached for the tea, bits of glitter cascaded off his skin. Hera figured he’d stopped counting the number of dances he’d had with drag queens after they’d eclipsed the number of drinks he’d thrown back. There were lipstick kisses smeared across his cheeks. Was that a hickey near his belly button? She snickered into the unpalatable toast. “Luscious...?” he croaked. “What happened last night?”
Her brassy voice pealed from her bedroom. “Your sister Hera and I took you out to celebrate with my girls! Don’t you remember? You were a hit! I’ll make sure you see the pictures someday, you little minx.”
Hera reached over and patted his knee. Her little brother--not so little now, she thought, eyeing his huge sneakers near the door--sighed and sipped his tea before attempting a bite of the blackened breakfast. Luscious sailed back into the room, necklaces piled high, bracelets clacking. “Shuttle back to Aquaria leaves in an hour, kitten littles. Your dad and mom trust me to send you home in one piece, so drink up and hustle it up.”