Six Favorite Moments - Amy and Rory

Oct 28, 2011 23:39

My Doctor/Rose moments have gotten a bit sidetracked due to lack of time, but a quick meme that spread on Tumblr--six favorite moments for a ship--seized me and I had a ton of fun doing my Amy/Rory ones. (Eleven/Amy friendship is also on the way.) Enjoy!

All graphics are mine; I would really appreciate it if they weren't reposted or shared. If anyone would like to reblog the original graphic and meta on Tumblr, please ask me and I will give you the link.



Rory: I'll wait down here, ma'am, buy you as much time as I can.
Amy: You have to take your eye drive off.
Rory: Can't do that, ma'am. Might forget what's coming.
Amy: But it could activate any second.
[Rory aims his gun at the door.]
Rory: It has activated, ma'am. [Amy sees Rory's fist at his side, clenched tight and shaking from the pain.] But I'm no use to you if you can't remember. [He steadies his hand on the gun.] You have to go now, ma'am.
Amy: Yes. Yes, thank you, Captain Williams...
[She turns back to look at him as she leaves.]

Episode 6x13, "The Wedding of River Song"
I really wasn't enthused with the majority of the episode, but this scene stood out to me as something so beautiful and so wrenching, all at once. Even in an alternate universe, Rory's still so in love with Amy as to not be moved if there's even the slightest chance she'll be safer if he's there.

It was that shot of Rory's shaking hand that did it for me. Kovarian specifies what the eye drive does just before this: it will either cause the wearer death or debilitating agony. Let me say that again: debilitating agony. It's not like this is some small discomfort you can easily fend off; this is excruciating pain, and Rory is the only one who chooses to endure it, no matter how much it hurts, just for the chance to protect Amy. That takes an incredible amount of strength, the same strength that drove him to wait two thousand years for her, even when the Doctor told him it could drive him mad. Amy recognizes this strength; it's why she looks back at him and why she returns to save him. It was beautiful.


Rory: This is so wrong.
Amy: I got old, Rory. What did you think was going to happen?
Rory: Hey! [He catches up to her and grabs her arm.] I don't care that you got old. I care that we didn't grow old together.

Episode 6x10, "The Girl Who Waited"
This scene--this entire episode--made me cry instantly. That's rare, for me and Doctor Who. Usually, the first time out on most episodes, my brain is too focused on keeping track of the plot, and I can't always process my emotions at the same time. When I rewatch an episode knowing what's coming, when I've had time to process the emotional moments and to understand what they meant in the context of an episode, that's when I cry.

This scene, though, was so beautiful that I was crying barely two seconds later. Rory feels guilty that Amy had to wait thirty six years for him and the Doctor, just as he had to wait for her. He feels bad that she had to be alone. But really, as he reveals here, he feels bad that he couldn't be there for her--that they missed their life together. It doesn't matter to him that she's older and, Amy probably feels, no longer beautiful. How many men would say that? Like the Doctor says earlier in the episode, "Oh, Rory. Trust you to think of that."


Amy: Save him. You save everyone. You always do. It's what you do.
The Doctor: Not always. I'm sorry.
Amy: Then what is the point of you?... This is the dream. Definitely this one. Now, if we die here, we wake up, yeah?
The Doctor: [nods] Unless we just die.
Amy: Either way, this is my only chance of seeing him again. This is the dream.
The Doctor: How do you know?
Amy: [tearily] Because if this is real life, I don't want it. I don't want it.


The Doctor: Be very sure. This could be the real world.
Amy: It can't be. Rory isn't here.

Episode 5x07, "Amy's Choice"

I love this episode so very much. So much of it ties in to "The Girl Who Waited" in Series 6, and I think this is where we really begin to see that despite her apparent disregard of him at times, Amy truly does love Rory.
Like the Dream Lord says, "Amy's men. Amy's choice." And Amy does make that choice. She could have chosen to stay in the dream world with the Doctor. After all, she chose the Doctor when she ran off with him the night before her wedding, didn't she?

The thing is, she really didn't choose the Doctor over Rory, and she still doesn't here. When it comes down to it--when it's a matter of life and death--Amy chooses Rory. She knows without a doubt that a world without Rory is a world she doesn't want to be in. I think a lot of that has to do with her history with Rory.

When the Doctor wasn't there, Rory was, and if Rory's not there and all she has to rely on is this unreliable madman with a box, a man who left her waiting... she doesn't want a life like that. This shows up again, I feel, in "The Girl Who Waited", when our Amy asks older Amy, "You called your robot Rory? You didn't call it the Doctor, or Biggles, our favorite cat?" When it comes to choosing who she wants in her life, who she needs in it above all else, Amy will always choose Rory.


Old Amy: All those boys chasing me, but it was only ever Rory. Why was that?
Young Amy: You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them, and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, and you meet them and you think, "Not bad. They're okay." And then you get to know them... and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something beautiful.
Both: Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met.
Young Amy: Please. Do it for him.
Older Amy: You're asking me to defy destiny, causality, the nexus of time itself, for a boy?
Young Amy: You're Amy. He's Rory. Oh, yes, I am.
Episode 6x10, "The Girl Who Waited"

Remember what I said earlier about this episode making me cry right off? Yeah.

I loved this speech for the way it really made me appreciate Amy and how she's grown, particularly in regards to how she treats Rory. Admittedly, in "Day of the Moon", when Amy kept calling Rory "stupid face," I cringed. It was a slight against his attractiveness, for one, but it also seemed a bit degrading about Rory as a person. She seemed to be making him out to be incompetent, and that didn't sit right with me for quite some time.

This moment does so much for her--it not only fixes that "stupid face" thing, in my mind; it also shows that "it was only ever Rory." Like I said about "Amy's Choice", when it comes down to it, for Amy, there was never a chance of her truly choosing the Doctor. It's always Rory. She might not have noticed it right off ("... but he's, you know--" "--a friend." "Gay."), but when she does notice, it all adds up. The lies he told to impress her, how she's the one and only girl he ever showed interest in--that's her Rory.

I love that she recognizes how beautiful Rory truly is. He might not be conventionally attractive, but he's beautiful all the same, and no matter how each version of Amy is feeling about being left behind, her feelings for Rory haven't changed, and never will. It was only ever Rory, Amy realizes. It will only ever be Rory. And she pulls time apart for him.


Rory: [speaking into the recorder] Amy, can you hear me? We're coming for you. Wherever you are, we're coming, I swear.
The Doctor: She can't hear you. I'm so sorry... it's one way.
Rory: She can always hear me, Doctor. Always, wherever she is. She always knows that I am coming for her, do you understand me? Always.


Amy: [to Melody] I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved. That you'll be safe and cared for and protected. But this isn't a time for lies. What you are going to be, Melody, is very, very brave. But not as brave as they'll have to be. Because there's someone coming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing. But trust me, he's on his way. There's a man who's never going to let us down, and not even an army can get in the way. He's the last of his kind. He looks young, but he's lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. And wherever they take you, Melody, however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone. Because this man is your father. He has a name, but the people of our world know him better as the Last Centurion.

Episode 6x02, "Day of the Moon" / Episode 6x07, "A Good Man Goes to War"
I cheated and put both instances because I can't choose.

To be very honest, this one was subtle enough that I didn't catch it the first time around. I was too busy squealing over Amy talking about Rory, rather than the Doctor, to notice that she really did always know that Rory was coming for her.

I believe that a large part of Rory's passion in that speech is born out of what he had to go through during his and Amy's childhood. There's something implicit in that speech--"she always knows that I am coming for her." In other words, she always knows that Rory is coming for her because the Doctor didn't, because Rory is the one who stayed with her and took care of her while she waited for a man that might never have come back.


Rory: Can you help her? Is there anything you can do?
The Doctor: Yeah, probably--if I had the time.
Rory: The time?!
The Doctor: All of creation has just been wiped from the sky. Do you know how many lives now never happened? All the people who never lived? Your girlfriend isn't more important than the whole universe!
[Rory pulls the Doctor around to face him and punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground.] 

Episode 5x13, "The Big Bang"
This episode is one of my favorite Amy/Rory episodes for a reason. I love that the Doctor tests Rory, almost, wanting to see if this Auton who has all the same characteristics as his and Amy's Rory really is him. I love that Rory passes that test, and in such an awesome way, too.

I almost chose my other favorite scene from the episode--"Will she be safer if I stay?"--but really, this whole episode is Rory's love letter to Amy, just as "The Girl Who Waited" is Amy's to Rory. I love that she really is more important than the whole universe, to him. I love that he waits two thousand years for her. I love that he gets to come back to life and be Mr. Pond. I love that the Doctor's almost farewell to Amy is "Live well. Love Rory." I love everything about this episode, really.

trai does meta, pairing: amy/rory, doctor who

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