Title: From Afar
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Nine, Rose, The Face of Boe
Word Count: 310
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for a certain revelation in "The Last of the Time Lords". You probably know the one I mean.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine! Nothing whatsoever.
Summary: The Face of Boe sees a duo he thought he'd never see again.
Notes: Written in the light of
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Jack and River would totally have known one another at some point in wach of their timelines. I find the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey nature of both their live really fascinating. When/If the series ever ends in the future I want to go back and watch all River's episodes chronologically from her point of view. I think it would be really interesting to see the life of the Doctor and Co. from her point of view.
(Icon love, btw--you might've noticed from the blog title that I love Craig Ferguson's line!)
I did notice that quote. It was part of the reason that I used that particular icon. Craig Ferguson is just beyond awesome sometimes. :D
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