Nov 08, 2013 07:41
Sometimes you have a strong suspicion you are on the wrong track - "this doesn't look right". Sometimes you get a glimmer you're on the right track - "Welllll, I think I'll just keep going and see." And sometimes, you feel like you were lucky enough to see a signpost that says, "Yep - this way."
Reading this morning in Old Testament - Numbers 13. Everyone all up in arms because even though there are a whole lotta Israelites, there are reports that indicate the enemies are GIANTS and so it's game over, we're all doomed as doomed can be. But not Joshua and Caleb.
They believed.
They didn't compare themselves to the giants.
They compared the giants to their God.
By their faith, they were the only two to cross into the Promised Land.
So yeah, Joshua and Caleb didn't make God small.