More Books Read 2011

Nov 06, 2011 16:59

49. Song of the West by Nora Roberts.
50. Boundary Lines by Nora Roberts. Ah, Nora - your romances are a palate cleanser of the finest kind. Love your strong, handsome men who love their women, love the women who don't take no guff, who love honestly and for keeps.
51. Montana Tough by Diana Palmer. So very different than Nora and maybe past her storytelling prime. I liked this story all the same. Sue me, I'm a romantic at heart.

52. Heat by Bill Buford. Picked this up vacation week when life was different and finished it this week when life has changed. So many food memoirs are written by men, these brawny, swaggering, self-confident beyond measure chefs who are going to tell you a thing or two about food. I'm always game for the ride. Does that make me the girl who runs out to the car when the boy honks his horn? It does when he's a chef. There is a connection I feel with those who cook, those who feed others, those who seek the best flavor, the new lesson, the where did THAT come from and how can I make it into something good? I see how I turn to the kitchen and the dance with food to create a moment in time when everything is delicious and warm and isolated in this one place - the kitchen - where love and bounty in its many forms resides.
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