You're caught in the wire (For Shizuo)

May 29, 2011 14:15

[Schuldig has been at ease with the idea of casual murder for years, of course. Oh, he's done it himself, on occasion, though it's so much more elegant to go through other people - goading them to it, enticing them into it, subtly guiding them into doing exactly what Schwarz wants done. It has the added benefit of giving him the time to be lazy, and the luxury of watching the repercussions unfold from a comfortable distance. And given the moods he's been in recently, it's almost amusing that Mayfield thought he needed an excuse, much less incentive.

Of course, the shapes the incentives have taken prevent it from being even remotely funny. His clothes, his weapons, his telepathy, all gone...and pictures of the rest of Schwarz, back in Japan. The subtle threat of the pictures barely even registers; rather, it infuriates him because there is Schwarz, minding their own business back in their own world, while he's stuck here. It's hard to say if he's angrier with Mayfield or with Schwarz themselves.

Shizuo, you seem like as good a victim as any to take his rage out on.

A quick trip to the gun store - with Ema's money - at least gets him armed again; it's probably good to have a backup like this anyway, for situations very much like this one. From there, it's off to find Shizuo. He doesn't have his telepathy anymore, which would be infinitely useful in tracking down his target, but after having had it for months, constantly tuned to the mental background noise of Mayfield, he has a vague idea of where in the neighborhood to look...and from there, it's as simple as asking drones for directions.

1124 Taylor Road soon has an angry redhead bearing down on it like a ballistic missile on legs.]
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