OOC: Permissions Post!

Aug 13, 2015 03:28

Okay, so thanks to this most recent event, Schuldig is once again a telepath. This means that yes, he can read your mind!

There are some characters who will find themselves naturally exempt:

• Any animal, robot, or other blatantly non-human character. For instance, Mickey Mouse would be exempt from Schuldig's telepathy because he's an animal; Legolas, as an elf, would not be. If you're close enough to human to have a human-like brain and human-like thought processes, no matter what you are on paper, then you're probably not exempt.

• Any similarly psychic character can shut Schuldig out by choice. Note that this is something they have to actively choose to do rather than something that happens automatically, but it can be done with minimal effort whenever they want.

• If you tell me OOCly you want your character not to be mind-read, for whatever reason, I'll either call them exempt or just have Schuldig ICly not bother with them. ♥

• All drones, both native to Mayfield and characters who are being canon-updated/on hiatus/have been dropped, are essentially blank slates to Schuldig; he gets nothing from them.

• The Postman has been mod-confirmed to be unreadable, but also not the same as the drones; this likely goes for the Milkman, the Mayor, and Lucy Smith as well. (But even if it doesn't, Schuldig can't read their minds regardless.)

Also, there are some characters who fall into a special category:

• Characters with extreme amounts of knowledge, power, or who receive vast amounts of input or the like - think godlike beings and certain psychics and the like - would have minds too complex and branching for Schuldig to do much more than barely skim the surface. (And, in many cases, would probably also fall under some of the naturally exempt categories anyway.) Those are treacherous waters and even if he can read your mind, he probably won't in these instances.

That said, I'd appreciate it if anyone with naturally exempt or special category characters would make a note here so I know who would appear to Schuldig as a mental blank slate/off-limits! Also, if you would rather not have your character be a target of mind-reading - or if there's something you specifically want Schuldig not to do with his powers, even if you don't want your character counted out entirely - make a note here, too. ♥

For those who are fine with their characters having their minds read: All you have to do is make a note of what their thoughts are in posts with Schuldig, and those are what he'll have access to. Also, I'm always available for discussing things over AIM on FyreflyzBlaze under any circumstances!

EDIT: Also, be aware that Schuldig has further telepathic abilities detailed here!
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