Aug 04, 2006 17:55
Name: Filifermanhathrhumneits'elhessaiffnth, shortened to Filif for convenience
Point Taken From In Canon: Post-Wizards at War
Age: Who the hell knows. Teenager-equivalent.
Eyes: Red berries
Weight: Tree
Height: Arbitrarily 6'6" (tall enough to block Roshaun, who is canonically pretty tall)
Physical traits: Tree
Medical Info: Again, who the hell knows.
Pings: Is (obviously) not human; but he's an alien, not a demon or other-plane-y being. Also uses wizardry/magic/what have you, so that may ping people. HAS POWERS.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'd like to consult with you about bodyswaps, because of his wizardry and how it will transfer... and also what he'll do when he's in a human body. Nothing bad, but you may see your body do interesting things. As for the rest of it -- go ahead! He'll probably let it slide up until a point, and then he'll politely confront you.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: If you want to traumatize your character by making out with a tree, WHO AM I TO STOP YOU.
Maim/Murder/Death: I would honestly prefer he not get physically wounded that much, if only because I have no fucking idea how his healing works. I am not adverse to mild things, like broken branches, but please do not axe the tree. :( And please no killing. Canon has Issues With Death.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Other than rather obvious trauma words like "fire" and "vegetarian" and possibly "library," anything is A-OK! He's already found the series by Google, so the fictional thing is cool.
Abilities: Is a wizard, and thus filled with godmode. Specialty is unknown, but is very good at creating things. Also, he has a pretty hefty reserve of power; he feeds a spell that sends four wizards into the heart of the Sun by himself.
Note to psychics: Will probably be able to tell if you poke around his........ mental... storage space, unless you are a telepathic ninja. His thoughts are pleasant, curious, and do not contradict how he presents himself. Nice kid.
Fighting: I will NEVER go for PvP fights, due to the godmodey nature of his wizardry. If something comes up, he'll subdue you instead, and I of course will always check to make sure it's all right with the player. I'll still ask during bossfights, but the gloves are off then. |D