Tess has spent the majority of the day at her Metropolis labs, making certain the test has been set up to her satisfaction. If she's succeeded, this is a very important step forward. If she hasn't, then she needs to be certain the error is in the environmental specifications and not some preventable technical mistake
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But he understands that Tess' part of the project is vital, as well. In fact, it could very well be the key to the whole thing. And now, as he walks briskly toward the Luthorcorp labs, he's choosing to be optimistic. If the test does fail, Tess will certainly get an ear-full. But he has faith that she is well aware of that, and he knows that she will take every possible precaution to make sure things go smoothly.
Two of his soldiers were happy to come along: a tall, dark man by the name of Basqat and a female named Faora. They have both proven useful to Zod in the past, and the rest of his soldiers seem to look up to them. He's hoping that they will have good news to spread to the others when they return.
When he finally walks through the door and sees Tess waiting for him, he greets her with a quick nod. "I trust everything is ready?" He's obviously in no mood to waste any time. Not today. Today, he is very much all business.
"I wouldn't have asked you here if it wasn't." Despite any personal concerns on her part, Tess isn't about to let them show outwardly. "Follow me," she instructs her guests, then turns and starts leading the way toward the prepared room.
Basqat and Faora stick close to their leader, following just a few paces behind.
"I believe you wanted to be first, Major?"
Turning to his people, he orders them to stay put before returning his attention to Tess. "Ready and waiting," he says softly, beckoning for her to proceed.
"After you."
When the Major enters, he'll find a large, brightly lit room with high ceilings. It's also more or less empty, save for several large concrete slabs at one far end and roughly the same amount of wood opposite. The only real item of interest would be what appears to be a long, blank screen attached to the walls, running a strip around the entire room.
Without saying a word, she presses a button at the bottom of part of the screen. The overhead lights go out and for a moment, there's complete darkness. And then the screen starts to emit a red glow, eventually reaching a level of light Zod is likely extremely used to; a near perfect emulation of red sunlight.
"It may take a few minutes to absorb into your system," Tess says quietly. "You'll let me know if you feel anything."
The atmosphere is tense. For good reason, he thinks. This could very well be the most important moment since his arrival. Or the biggest failure. Either way, he can't help but shudder slightly with anticipation.
And all she can do is wait and hope, watching him for any sign that something's going to happen.
Finally, he gives Tess a sidelong glance. "It would seem--" His mouth snaps shut, and he frowns slightly. He feels something. Though he isn't exactly sure what. "Something is happening," he breathes quietly. He looks down at his hand, half expecting to see some physical change take place across his skin.
Except he doesn't.
Tess follows his gaze to his hand and takes a hesitant step toward him. "What is it?"
He begins to experience a strange feeling. Invulnerability. He suddenly has the sense that he cannot be hurt, no matter what sort of physical trauma he undergoes. He feels powerful...invincible...like he can do anything he wants without risk. And he likes it.
The hint of a smile plays at his lips as his stare finally comes to rest on Tess. "I think it's working."
"What does it feel like?"
Tess raises an eyebrow back at him. "Unless you had something else in mind."
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