Nov 20, 2006 03:19
And it's so..early in the morning DDDX
I should go to now... but..NUR
I'ma also do that meme thing jess did (yayy infecteddd) XD <333
The Who's
Who is in the house with you?
Dad, Step-mom, Puppies XD
Who was the last person to IM you?
Who are you thinking about now?
Special people X3
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my dad...
Who was you favorite teacher?
Omg too many :00
Brownridge : CROTEAU *shot* Bravos? Straughan..Cowleeyyyy XD and and.. Cameron, HALKIAS <3
Who's birthday is next?
MELLLL <3333333
Who was the last person you told you love them? and meant it?
Did they have to hear it? *cough* XD My parents...actually, Lina XD
Who do you wish you were with right now?
Everyone T____T
Who's your favorite relative?
My Aunt Lourdes (Tia Luly sounds better XD)
The Where's
Where do you go to school?
Newmarket High School ( *weep*)
Where do you live?
Bradford (NOT IN THE BOONIES, yo)
Where is your phone?
House: in the other room
Cell: beside me
Where are your parents?
In their room SLEEPING (as I should be) u,,,,u
Where do you sleep?
Mah Bed
..anywhere? XD
Where do you shop the most?
wherever I can buy things and not break my wallet? No place in particular...
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Giant Tiger <3
Where did you last take a car ride to?
Where in your house are you?
My bedroom
The What's
What was the last thing you ate?
An apple
What was the last thing you drank?
Diet Coke X333
What color pants are you wearing?
Dark purple/Blue with clouds o,,,,,,o (andwinniethepoohomg)
What kind of cell phone do you have?
An older one XD V551
What is the closest item near you that is blue?
Tickets for the Musical I have to give to some people, my phone, an old cell phone case...a compact mirror?
(same distance)
What is your favorite color?
CREAM AND CRIMSON AND SILVER AND ROSE AND AZuRE ANd LEMOn aND RUSETTE AND GREY AND PURPL_ *shot* ...the musical has ingrained itself into my head >______< purple and cream? lots of them? XD
What messaging service do you use?
What is your screen name?
" ·$35•|[ - ·$21Cult - Shadow Leader·$35- ]|•·$21 [양음/羊音] [ Flip A Coin] "
What is your most used away message?
"Away" XD?
What is your favorite website?
Facebook, DeviantArt, LJ? lolll whatever doesn't bore me for the moment >____>
What is your favorite shoe brand?
Whatever I can afford/looks good/feels good XD currently NICE?
What do you wear more; jeans or shorts?
Jeans man, jeans.
What is the last movie watched?
Garfield 2 *cough*
What song do you currently hear?
Feel Good Inc. -Gorillaz
Watch me as I gravitate AHAHAHAHAAAA~
The Why's
Why are you taking this survey?
I don't want to go to sleep.
Why do you have a xanga?
Because Jess made it for me :0 *hasn't touched it in loooong time*
Why does basically half the world have a myspace?
I don't know.
Why did you pick your myspace user name?
I don't have a myspace o,,,O
Why are your best friends your best friends?
Cause I said so? One for being my little brother, One for being one of my first female friends, one for having my children XDD *cough* and...lots more for many reasons~ (one cause we can grab/touch/ATTACK lulz eachothers boobs infront of japs? *shot*)
Why is wood brown?
Because it's been somewhere it shouldn't have been...AHEM, too big an opportunity to pass up...*hack*
thas right, dirty wood XDD
The When's
When did everyone become obsessed with myspace?
ARGH what is with teh myspace???? I DUN KNOW
When did you start school?
When I was a young lad...Las... A while ago.
When did you last go to the mall?
When did you last buy a new pair of pants?
A few weeks ago o,,,o
When did you last burn a candle?
A few days ago...
When were you last at school? I a suspect? XP
When did you last see your dad?
Last night
When did you last take a shower?
...5 hours ago?
oh wow...that wasn't as logn as I'd hoped..must find somethign else to doooo