a chat with ellen alissa and myself
take notes cuz we're cooler than you.
musicxlifexlove: :-)
musicxlifexlove: so!
ell5889: ok so lets see
x3 kissmekenz x3: so either 5-7 or 12-14?
ell5889: well first off, we're "borrowing" your jimmy eat world tickets alissa
musicxlifexlove: you wishhh kid
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha
ell5889: probably 12-14 would be better
ell5889: oh please i know so
ell5889: but im not sure ill have to check
x3 kissmekenz x3: me too
musicxlifexlove: please, tell that to my two friends who already know they are going
x3 kissmekenz x3: we can beat them up
x3 kissmekenz x3: and tell them it was an april fools joke
musicxlifexlove: wow, im disturbed suddenly
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha
ell5889: hahahaha
ell5889: omg suchhh a good idea
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
ell5889: APRIL FOOLS except its july....
x3 kissmekenz x3: alright july fools
musicxlifexlove: lol
ell5889: we made it up ourselves
x3 kissmekenz x3: yep
x3 kissmekenz x3: new holiday
ell5889: score
ell5889: it should be called
musicxlifexlove: obviously cbc girls celebrate july fools versus april fools
ell5889: the JEAMF
ell5889: July ellen alissa mckenzie fools
ell5889: hahahahhaha
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
x3 kissmekenz x3: yes!
ell5889: that is profile worthy
musicxlifexlove: lolllll
musicxlifexlove: haha yes that is
ell5889: sweet
x3 kissmekenz x3: its in!
x3 kissmekenz x3: yay!
musicxlifexlove: lol : the JEAMF is coming to get you
ell5889: hahhaa awesome
ell5889: i think i like that better
musicxlifexlove: oh its so in
ell5889: hahha i love it
musicxlifexlove: kenz, have i mentioned i love your pro? :-)
ell5889: JEAMF, comign to a day near you
musicxlifexlove: lmao
ell5889: i cant control myself-- i love usss
musicxlifexlove: anyways, so this getting together plan
musicxlifexlove: oh i love us. what a sexy amazing bunch we are.
ell5889: hahah how true
ell5889: hahahhahaha oh dear
ell5889: im cracking up over here
x3 kissmekenz x3: sorry im back i had to pee
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
ell5889: its ok
musicxlifexlove: haha k
musicxlifexlove: lol guys look at my pretty pro
ell5889: i think i need to go put on sweatpants
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol k
ell5889: and slippers
ell5889: im soooo cold
musicxlifexlove: sweatpants are awesome
ell5889: hahahah
musicxlifexlove: dear goodness kid
musicxlifexlove: its JULY
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
ell5889: hahahha i love it
ell5889: i knwo thats why i think i have a fever
ell5889: BRB
x3 kissmekenz x3: im comfy..not hot not cold..except im actually wicked hot :-*
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
musicxlifexlove: heck yeah you are
musicxlifexlove: super hot
ell5889: hahahahhaa
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol i know we all are
musicxlifexlove: OKAY
musicxlifexlove: lolllll
x3 kissmekenz x3: yes master
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha
musicxlifexlove: lmao
musicxlifexlove: crazy kid.
x3 kissmekenz x3: yes yes she is
x3 kissmekenz x3: brb i gotta go take my sugar im low i think
x3 kissmekenz x3: i'll wait till ellen gets back so ur not lonely tho
x3 kissmekenz x3: :-P
musicxlifexlove: haha thank you darling
musicxlifexlove: :-)
musicxlifexlove: however, if you feel a seizure coming on
musicxlifexlove: RUNNNNNNNN
x3 kissmekenz x3: not that low lol
musicxlifexlove: for you meter that is
musicxlifexlove: lol
x3 kissmekenz x3: hehe
x3 kissmekenz x3: click for my summer recap lol
x3 kissmekenz x3:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/have_a_cookie/2005/07/28/ell5889: haha im back
x3 kissmekenz x3: k brb
ell5889: ok
ell5889: dont go die on me now
ell5889: omg i love it
musicxlifexlove: hehehe
musicxlifexlove: yay us.
ell5889: gosh we're hte coolest
musicxlifexlove: haha yesss we are
musicxlifexlove: actually...HELLZ YEAH WE ARE
ell5889: we need to figure out when we're hanging out
ell5889: hahaha
musicxlifexlove: i cant say "heck yes" because it makes me think of "HECK YES SENIORS"
ell5889: ew i know
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol what?
x3 kissmekenz x3: im back
musicxlifexlove: ellen, care to explain?
musicxlifexlove: or should i
ell5889: explain what
ell5889: you can im confused
x3 kissmekenz x3: heck yes senior
x3 kissmekenz x3: s
x3 kissmekenz x3: ?
ell5889: oh ok alissa explin
ell5889: its stupid
musicxlifexlove: napoleon dynamite, the seniors just shouted out HECK YES all the freaking time
x3 kissmekenz x3: someone explain
x3 kissmekenz x3: ooh
x3 kissmekenz x3: annoying
ell5889: not too complicated
ell5889: and theyd be like HECK YES SENIORS
musicxlifexlove: and if they asked if seniors were there, they all went in unison. HECK YES SENIOURS!
ell5889: they did that first session too, but not as much
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
musicxlifexlove: i was like...err...shut up...
x3 kissmekenz x3: alissa whats ur # so i have both of urs so we can call to make plans
ell5889: yeah alissa what is your numbr
x3 kissmekenz x3: (***)***-**** is mineee
musicxlifexlove: (***) ***-****
musicxlifexlove: aha font change.
ell5889: (***) ***-**** orrrr (***) ***-****
musicxlifexlove: oh yeah, cell number would be (***) ***-****, but ur more likely to reach me at home
x3 kissmekenz x3: sweeeet
ell5889: allllright
musicxlifexlove: :-D
x3 kissmekenz x3: :-$
x3 kissmekenz x3: money in my mouth?>
ell5889: i have lots of money in my mouth
musicxlifexlove: you prostitute
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol i dont im poor
ell5889: thast why they call me ellen "money mouth" regal
musicxlifexlove: hahaha wow
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol slut!
ell5889: why yes, how did you iknow that was my side job
x3 kissmekenz x3: jk
ell5889: gosh
musicxlifexlove: haha
musicxlifexlove: im so amazing
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha oh yes
musicxlifexlove: me and my numchuck skills
ell5889: hahahah i know
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha
x3 kissmekenz x3: i have boy skills
x3 kissmekenz x3: :-D
ell5889: hahahahah loooooooser
x3 kissmekenz x3: ellen has street skills
x3 kissmekenz x3: :-P
ell5889: hahahahhahahahhaha
ell5889: omg
ell5889: thast so an away message
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
ell5889: i mean i do live in the ghetto
x3 kissmekenz x3: damn straight
x3 kissmekenz x3: wait..u do?
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
musicxlifexlove: wow
musicxlifexlove: i dont look at the convo for a min
musicxlifexlove: and i see all that
ell5889: hahahaha no i dont
ell5889: i live in like this normal suburban town
ell5889: wait, thats like a small town...right?
musicxlifexlove: ME TOO!
musicxlifexlove: not really?
musicxlifexlove: wait yes
musicxlifexlove: town
musicxlifexlove: lol
x3 kissmekenz x3: me too
ell5889: yeah
x3 kissmekenz x3: except mines kind of a small city
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
ell5889: oh well....none of us are truly ghetto, or gangstaas
x3 kissmekenz x3: bitch please i am
x3 kissmekenz x3: jk
ell5889: well i mean besides you
musicxlifexlove: hahaha
ell5889: me and alissa are not
ell5889: im just the prostitute
ell5889: and alissa is the ......
ell5889: hmm......
musicxlifexlove: =-O AM I THE PIMP?
musicxlifexlove: the pumpin pimp?
ell5889: oh please
musicxlifexlove: :-P
musicxlifexlove: i just wish.
musicxlifexlove: what am i?
musicxlifexlove: a poor excuse for a white person :-P
ell5889: mckenzie= gangstaa me=prostitute alissa=ninja
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha
musicxlifexlove: lmao
musicxlifexlove: YES
ell5889: that was very random thinking
musicxlifexlove: Im a ninja
ell5889: oh hell yeah
ell5889: you do have that dark colored hair
ell5889: most ninjas have htat
ell5889: and you have good nunchuck skills
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha yes
musicxlifexlove: hahaha
ell5889: hahahahha ok
ell5889: and hten be like
musicxlifexlove: lmao!
musicxlifexlove: HECK YES ;-)
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha
x3 kissmekenz x3: k
ell5889: ew
ell5889: you said it
ell5889: youre no longer cool
musicxlifexlove: sorry
musicxlifexlove: =-O
x3 kissmekenz x3: im lost?
musicxlifexlove: haha look at my pro
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol oh yea
ell5889: nothing you will ever do could allow you to be released from JEAMF
musicxlifexlove: lollll
musicxlifexlove: howww true
ell5889: hahahahhaha
ell5889: omg i love it
ell5889: i love us
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha me too
musicxlifexlove: we're FANTASTIC
ell5889: gosh
x3 kissmekenz x3: of course we are
ell5889: i miss you guys
musicxlifexlove: i miss you too
x3 kissmekenz x3: dont make me cry i miss you guys too
x3 kissmekenz x3: :sniff:
musicxlifexlove: :: hugs barton sweatshirt like hell::
x3 kissmekenz x3: ahhh
x3 kissmekenz x3: tear
ell5889: awww hahah
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
musicxlifexlove: i know, this is making me all like...saddish!
x3 kissmekenz x3: A BOY! A NICE BOY! HE SAID HELLO!
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
x3 kissmekenz x3: i had to do it
ell5889: hahahha
ell5889: HELLO GULLS
musicxlifexlove: CAN I BORROW YOUR MAGAZINE?!
x3 kissmekenz x3: lmao
ell5889: ok check mine
musicxlifexlove: lmaoooooooooooo
musicxlifexlove: haha k
musicxlifexlove: hahahahaha :-)
x3 kissmekenz x3: yesssssss
musicxlifexlove: ohhh yes
musicxlifexlove: HAha so added that
musicxlifexlove: :-)
x3 kissmekenz x3: me too
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
ell5889: what
ell5889: oh good ONE
ell5889: i will
ell5889: asap
musicxlifexlove: haha
musicxlifexlove: it was your idea, wasnt it? lol
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol
x3 kissmekenz x3: we're so cool
ell5889: i see
ell5889: k hceck it
musicxlifexlove: :-)
x3 kissmekenz x3: kk
musicxlifexlove: oh man
musicxlifexlove: we are on FIYAH
x3 kissmekenz x3: sweet
ell5889: hahaha niiiiice
musicxlifexlove: thanksss
x3 kissmekenz x3: hey guys
x3 kissmekenz x3: LETS ALL DRINK LIKE DOOOOGS!
x3 kissmekenz x3: haha
musicxlifexlove: OMG LMAO
musicxlifexlove: what was that from? melissa...yeah?
ell5889: hahahahahha
x3 kissmekenz x3: yea i think so
ell5889: omg shes a cit this time
musicxlifexlove: omg is she really??
x3 kissmekenz x3: whoa
ell5889: yeah
x3 kissmekenz x3: cool
ell5889: 3+4
musicxlifexlove: poor campers who get her
musicxlifexlove: shes insane
ell5889: hahah i know
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol i know
musicxlifexlove: think she can shit?!
x3 kissmekenz x3: she'll have them all caked in makeup
x3 kissmekenz x3: lmal
ell5889: hahahahahahha
x3 kissmekenz x3: lmao*
ell5889: omggggggg
ell5889: probably not
ell5889: im guessing about now shes like
ell5889: guys i cant poop
musicxlifexlove: omg that was so funny
musicxlifexlove: I NEED A LAXATIVE :whines:
x3 kissmekenz x3: i know i have that pic of her cd player under the door lol
musicxlifexlove: i have a picture of ellen in her pretty duct tape hat somewhere :-)
ell5889: hahahahha
x3 kissmekenz x3: lol i loved that hat! i came home and everyone wanted a purse and i refused to make them. lol cbc chicas only. haha
ell5889: me too
ell5889: hahahhaha
musicxlifexlove: hahaha
musicxlifexlove: duct tape was never so much fun
ell5889: brb
x3 kissmekenz x3: k so i hate to rain on the parade but i have to go to bed cuz i have to freaking babysit in the am. :'(
musicxlifexlove: awwww
ell5889: oh ok
ell5889: i miss youuuuu
x3 kissmekenz x3: so bye ladies i miss you and we'll hang out
musicxlifexlove: byeeeeee <3 <3 <3
ell5889: we'll chat tomorrow
x3 kissmekenz x3: me have to!
musicxlifexlove: I need to leave soon too :-(
ell5889: yeah if we dont talk call me later in the week
x3 kissmekenz x3: and ya i'll be on tomorrow
ell5889: ok
musicxlifexlove: awesome
x3 kissmekenz x3: :'(:'(bye babes
musicxlifexlove: byeee :-*
ell5889: :'(bye
ell5889: :-)bye
ell5889: =-Obye
ell5889: its my prostitute face
ell5889: gosh im so raunch
x3 kissmekenz x3: lmao k bye
x3 kissmekenz x3: xoxo
musicxlifexlove: lmaooo
musicxlifexlove: hah raunch, is that like presh?
lol i know. we're cool. and you wish you were us.
=P i love those girls.