Oct 09, 2006 15:17
TheDevinHimself: you could probably begin a franchise by marketing Kim Jong sunglasses
BigTrev989: lmao
BigTrev989: Kim Jong's Sunglass Hut
BigTrev989: and make all the vendors wear khaki uniforms
TheDevinHimself: with wacky hair
TheDevinHimself: oh!
TheDevinHimself: and make sure they're Vietnamese
BigTrev989: and babble on about nuclear launch codes
BigTrev989: well, Korean preferably
TheDevinHimself: and read passages from the Koran to the people
BigTrev989: i wasn't aware Mr. Il was a practicing muslim
TheDevinHimself: oh no
TheDevinHimself: Korea and Koran just sound the same
BigTrev989: ...