
Dec 16, 2008 15:17

Oddly - it’s been a year since I posted here or anywhere. I write stuff in my head all the time but it rarely makes it out of my brain.

Quinlama says 100 words a day - I say, why not?

Let’s recap:

January - I have no recollection of January.

February - Samesies. My sister had a birthday on the 16th. It happens every year. I think I played some concerts with the baroque ensemble.

March - I definitely had some concerts with the baroque ensemble in March because we were preparing to go on tour. Saw Moz. Sigh.

April - Spring time, etc. My goddaughter Rowan was born in this month. I traveled to Oregon for the occasion. Actually I went after the birth when I could spend more time with Sarah. Mel and Rachel were with me and we had a great time on the beach, shopping and getting pedicures together. So girly - I love it.

May - May wasn’t memorable that I remember. Sometimes entire years come and go without notice.

June - June was pretty much the shit. June was my 2nd wedding anniversary. Also, I graduated from talk therapy. For now.

I had concerts with the baroque ensemble and my sister got to accompany me on the tour to Italy and Switzerland. It was 10 days of seeing some of the oldest and most beautiful works of art imaginable - not to mention views that take the life of any normal person. We saw Rome from the top of St. Peter’s basilica. We saw Florence (ahhh, Florence) from the top of the Brunelleschi dome. We played in several super old churches - Santa Maria in Trastevere (Rome) and Jesuit Kirchen in Lucerne - amazing is a useless word to describe what I saw and heard.

I returned home sick and jetlagged - nothing a 10-day course of antibiotics couldn’t cure.

July - Oh, July, you cruel summer month. I began to get really sick every few days and wow, it took me two more months to realize I had bleeding ulcers. I also missed the baby blessing of my goddaughter because I was sick. Lame. So lame.

August - Just as my work routine began returning to nermal, I got even sicker. But we continued to plan on going to Wisconsin - birthplace of my husband - for a highly anticipated family wedding in the end of September.

September - I finally collapsed and was rushed to the hospital with an upper G.I. bleed. I never had any alarming symptoms until the weekend that I collapsed. My days of being uninsured and without a regular doctor came to an end. They found two bleeding ulcers in my stomach that didn’t require surgery. After 3 (uninsured) days in the hospital, they let me go with a prescription of prevacid and told me it was all caused by too much ibuprofen (which I used to eat like candy for chronic back pain).

We also made it to the family wedding in Wisconsin after the doctors cleared me to fly. Wisconsin is great, by the way - a calm, rolling scenery I had never experienced. We spent a lot of time with Dan’s aged grandma Alice. She took us way out into the farmlands and showed us where she grew up and shared all the indescribably poignant memories associated with a member of the greatest generation.

October - sickly and defeatist I hobbled into my 31st year of this consciousness. My husband threw me a lovely party (to which he forgot to invite at least half of our friends…). He referred to me as “the birthday girl” approximately 30 times each hour. I received some truly distinctive gifts from dear friends. The hospital bills started rolling in to the tune of $15,000. I ate a lot of sushi at Takashi because it is delicious and because it doesn’t upset my stomach. I made it past the 2nd anniversary of my mother’s death with a minimum of histrionics. I played with the baroque ensemble at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. Oh, and the clutch on my Subaru began acting very un-neighborly.

November - is somehow already over. Okay. I think I went to Takashi with Barbra Harris at least once a week. We spent Thanksgiving at my MIL’s in Ogden. Of special note was the cranberry sauce she made. So good.

December - all I can say for December right now is that it has blown in with some super unfriendly cold and snow which is wreaking havoc on the titanium in my back. However it was my bestest sister’s 30th birthday on the 5th. She took me to the symphony with her since her husband was sick. We saw Mozart’s Requiem, which is truly impressive live if you get the chance. We had late-night sushi at Shogun and walked back to my place in the cold. We have the best time as sisters. Our husbands and other siblings are envious of us.

That brings up to now - Dan finished his last class and just has two more finals to take before his degree is finished. I just keep on working. I had originally planned to be back in school by January, but that’s being postponed to Fall 2009 now, due to the shitty nature of Dan finding a job that will pay all the bills. I.E. - he hasn’t found one that fits those parameters.

I know I've missed some shit. But - my bad for not keeping a journal this year.

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