finally. we are one step closer to coming out of the closet as hippies.
go ahead. quiz me on grateful dead lyrics. i know them all.
jean ras drove all the way to vegas to feed his vanagon obsession. hopefully he makes it home with the object of his obsession not having broken down in the desert.
you know what is lame? showing up to work and THEN finding out that showing up today was optional. not that i've done a lick of work at work. but still! no one else is at work. why am i at work? i'm not doing any work. yet i still sit here. what i really need is a midday drinking buddy.
you know what else is lame? knowing there is a dear friend in need and not being able to do anything about it. just in general, mind you.
i sort of started a blog elsewhere and have not disclosed the location. i wouldn't say that has helped with more frequent posting. i am the definition of slacker.
so much to say. so few applicable lexicons.