(no subject)

Jan 16, 2008 12:32

yesterday i went and applied for my degree. i found that i did not need to take the CLAST, which was about the greatest news i have received in a long while. in fact i was so excited upon the news i couldve hugged the adviser as my face lit up. now theres only the matter of what i am to do with myself this summer and fall.

10 F A V O R I T E S
TV show: project runway. ncsi, antm (even if it is a joke now), random things on history and discovery channel.
Flower: uhh poppies, hydrangea maybe?
Drink: white blueberry tea.
Movie: becoming jane, band of brothers, tons of others
Color: navy
Sport: karate and soccer i guess.
Mall: i dont have a favorite mall, our mall is quite lame.
Music: a fine frenzy is my new obsession for the moment.
Food: frozen cherries!

10 F A C T S
Height: 5'7" and some. not that the some matters.
Hair color: brown with some blonde
Hair length: just about shoulder length.
Hairstyle: hobo and awkward
Eye color: greenish.
Shoe Size: 8.5? my feet all the sudden shrunk. they were 9/9.5
Personality: negative. boring, weird, uptight and idk.

10 L I F E
How's life? stressful, boring, filled with school
Whats your mood right now? blah.
What are you doing right now as we speak? watching rob and big and avoiding my humanities homework
What are you doing over the weekend? school work, tons of reading, sewing or crocheting maybe? poker hopefully!
What do you want to do with your life? no clue. lots of things i guess.
Where are you right now? office.

10 L O V E L I F E
Have you ever been in love? nope
Why did your last relationship fail? because it never started
Have you ever had your heart broken? only by a friend
Have you ever broken someones heart? im pretty sure i havent
Have you ever fallen for your best friend? yes.
Are you planning on getting married? planning? no. hoping? kindof.

10 R A N D O M S
One thing sitting next to you: a cup
How many cds do you own? quite a few. but i got rid of a bunch since i have an ipod and nowhere to put cds
Longest phone conversation? 4 hours or so
What is your most prized possession? ummm i dont know if i have one.
Who's your closest relative? my mom?
If you could go anywhere? I'D GO EVERYWHERE!

10 T H I S O R T H A T S
Pepsi or coke?: pepsi unless its diet coke.
CD or Radio?: cd. or ipod now.
Saturday or Sunday?: saturdayyyyy!
Colored or black and white? black and white.
Phone or in person: person.

10 H A V E Y O U E V E R S
Have you ever been caught sneaking out? i guess i would have to sneak out.
Have you ever done something you regret? yes.
Have you ever bungee jumped?: nope
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? no i always end up tossing it once ive gotten to the very center
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt? yes. it sucks.
Have you ever hung out with Briscoe Brown? hmmm... what?

10 A R E Y O U' S
Are you missing someone right now?: quite.
Are you happy?: no.
Are you thirsty?: kind of.
Are you bored?: to a point
Are you German?: umm possibly?
Are you Irish?: yes.
Are you Polish?: no
Are you Hungarian?: no
Are you Italian?: no
Are your parents still married?: yes
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