A Floral Miscommunication - Chapter 3

May 28, 2010 00:50

Title: A Floral Miscommunication
Chapter: 3/?
Rating: M
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/William Beckett, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie, Alex Suarez/Nate Novarro
Summary: William Beckett owns a florist shop where not only helps others find the perfect flowers to give to people based off of what they mean, but also aids them in writing cards to go with them. His in store employee and protege is Brendon Urie, a young, slightly clumsy, but passionate man excited to learn the tricks of the trade. Nate Novarro serves as the delivery boy for William's shop. William's world is turned upside down when a sexy bartender comes into the shop one day, not only looking for flowers, but curious about the language of floral communicating. Brendon becomes confused when the liaison from the nursery where they order their flowers begins including extra bunches of certain flowers in their orders every day and Nate becomes increasingly suspicious of a young man who is sent anonymous flowers at least once a week, if not more.
Disclaimer: FICTIONAL! I'm using lots of information on floral communication found on the internet, it may not all be accurate.
Warnings: With any look, this should be fairly entertaining, so no severe warnings. Lots of flower talk.
Author: havah24601 
Beta: alifeofourown 
Author's Notes: I'm back! I hope that you like this chapter!

            When William got back to his apartment that night, he didn’t know what to do. He took a shower, pulled the nasturtium from his hair and looked through his closet. Initially, he decided on jeans and a t-shirt, but as he looked at the business card, he knew what kind of place this was…maybe he should put on something a little nicer. He sighed and switched out the plain t-shirt for a black v-neck, and the old, comfortable blue jeans for a pair of slightly darker, tighter ones. It wasn’t a date, he just wanted to look good just in case, you know, someone else was there. Just before he left, he slipped a purple flower into his hair. It was a wild geranium, a symbol of availability. Just in case.

He got in his car and drove to the address on the business card. He didn’t know why he felt nervous. He was just going to get a drunk from someone who had stopped by the store. This wasn’t really the first time this had happened. People gave him tips all of the time for his help, but usually it was just a couple of dollars in the jar, not an invitation to a bar. Then again, maybe that was the best way Gabe knew how to tip. He parked his car outside of the bar and walked inside, feeling slightly apprehensive as he did so.

As William entered the bar, he was instantly glad that he had changed his outfit. It wasn’t a completely swanky place, but old blue jeans and a t-shirt wouldn’t have cut it. The people here looked nice, higher class, and the lighting was dim. It wasn’t a seedy place like many of the other bars he had been to. He felt a little out of place - he was comfy jeans and flowers, not sleek suits and shiny shoes, but still and all, one drink wouldn’t hurt him. He wove through the tables of couples and took a seat at the bar.

“Well hello there.” Gabe showed up in front of him, wiping a glass out with a rag. “You showed.”

“Yeah.” William smiled. “Well, I didn’t have anything else to do tonight, so I figured that coming out for a drink was better than another night with Chinese takeout and Charles Dickens.”

“Is that really how you spend your nights?” Gabe asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Eh.” William shrugged. “Sometimes, not always.”

“Mmm.” Gabe nodded, looking skeptically at William. “Well what’ll it be?”

“Oh, um…” William paused to think. He didn’t drink much, and when he did it was usually just a cheap beer with his friends and employees. “Just whatever’s on tap.”

“Come on, you came all the way out here and I don’t even get to mix you a drink?”

“Alright, well then whatever you think I’d like?” William tilted his head to the side, not sure what to ask for.

“Alright, fair enough, one mystery drink coming right up.” Gabe turned around and started mixing various liquids in a glass. He turned back to William and held it out. “Lemon drop.”

“Okay then.” William took the drink, not sure what it was, and sipped it lightly. “My god, this is good!”

“I know.” Gabe winked. “I have to tend to other customers, but don’t leave, okay? I have a break in like…twenty minutes.”

“I will be right here.” William wasn’t sure what to say, so he put the drink back to his lips. It was a good drink, and he was glad that Gabe wanted him to stay. He needed to make friends outside of the flower shop as currently, his friendship group consisted of Brendon and Nate, the flowery delivery boy he employed. He nursed the drink slowly, not wanting to end up done before Gabe’s break.

“Hey there.” William jumped as Gabe slid onto the stool next to him, a glass in his hand.

“Didn’t know you were allowed to drink on the job,” William quipped, turning to face Gabe.

“I’m not, it’s a Roy Rogers.”

“Um…what?” William raised an eyebrow, looking at the drink in Gabe’s hand.

“Coke and grenadine, it’s like a Shirley Temple for boys.”

“Sexist.” William reached out, pushing Gabe’s shoulder jokingly. “I happen to like Shirley Temples.”

“I’ll bet you do.” Gabe laughed and took a sip of his drink.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” William frowned, taking another sip of his lemon drop.

“Come on, you’ve got long hair, you speak flower, those jeans are tight enough to prevent any kind of sexual reproduction and you wear flowers in your hair…add Shirley Temples to the equation…” he trailed off.

“What are you saying?” William asked, finishing off the drink. “Are you saying that I’m gay?”

“Well aren’t you?” Gabe looked at William, his air cocky and confident, not much like the person William had met in the store.

“Yeah…I have to go.” William sighed, standing up, pulling out his wallet.

“William, wait, where are you going?”

“I just have some things that I have to do, I forgot.” He pulled out a few dollars, but Gabe grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

“I told you, drink’s on me, but still…did I say something wrong?”

“No, no, you’re fine.” William sighed, putting his wallet back in his pocket. He took the wild geranium from his hair and set it on the table next to the nearly empty glass.

“William, wait.” Gabe sighed, looking at William. “What’s going on? I thought we were doing okay.”

“Yeah, we are, you are, this is just…I thought I was up for something, but I’m not.” He shook his head. “This kind of place isn’t me, I’m bellbottoms and long hair, not sports cars and mixed drinks.” William turned, heading from the door.

“William!” Gabe called, looking at the young man. William didn’t turn back around, though, and Gabe didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t chase after William because he couldn’t leave work like that. Gabe just sighed, letting William walk out the door.

On his way to his car, William pulled out his cell phone and dialed Brendon’s number.

“Well, was it a date?” Brendon asked, answering with the question.

“Um, I don’t know, I didn’t stick around long enough to find out - it was something, date, booty call, maybe, I’m not sure, but Bren, I’m not ready for it, whatever it was.”


“I thought I was, but I’m not, okay?” He sighed, getting into the driver’s seat of his car.

“William, it’s been more than two years. You can’t be like this forever.”

“I know, but…” William took a deep breath. “I’m just…I’m not ready yet.”

“Okay, well come over here then. I was just about to watch a movie and there’s some pizza left over from earlier.”

“No, thank you. I’m just gonna go home, but please, don’t give me a hard time about this tomorrow, okay?”

“I won’t bring it up,” Brendon promised. “Get some rest, William, wedding tomorrow.”

“I know, I know.” William hung up and started the car, letting out a deep sigh as he headed towards home. He knew that it wasn’t right of him to just run out on Gabe like that, but he didn’t have a choice, he couldn’t handle that, not right now.

gabilliam, rydon, nalex, a floral miscommunication, slash, fanfiction

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