Slash Challenge Series - 16: Remote {Nate Flynn/Pat Brown}

Jan 18, 2010 17:16

Series Title: Slash Challenge Story Series
Story Title: Remote
Author: havah24601
Part: 16/62
Series Rating: M
Story Rating: M
Series Characters: Alex Gaskarth, Alex Greenwald, Alex Suarez, Curtis Ward, Gabe Saporta, Jack Barakat, Josh Franceschi, Matt Barnes, Matt Brown, Matt Flyzik, Michael Guy Chislett, Nate Flynn, Nate Novarro, Oli Sykes, Pat Brown, Sam Carter, Tom Sykes, Tony Marino, William Beckett and Zack Merrick.
Series Pairings: Available on Master Post.
Story Pairing: Nate Flynn/Pat Brown
Series Explanation: Over the next few months/year, I am challenging myself to write 62 one shots featuring various bandom pairings. There are 20 characters total that will be featured in these stories. Bands involved are: The Academy Is..., All Time Low, Bring Me the Horizon, Cobra Starship, Phantom Planet, Sing It Loud, Skies Alive, The Architects and You Me at Six.
Story Summary: "Pat objected to the tickling, thrashing about in an attempt to get Nate to stop. He kicked his legs as best he could, wriggling around on the couch to escape the tickling attacks of his friend. However, the couch was not big enough for both the two boys and the struggle for the remote, and in an instant, they were on the floor, Pat on top of Nate, looking down in surprise at the other boy, who looked just as shocked. The remote control had fallen from Pat’s grasp and was a few feet away from where the boys had landed on the carpet."
Disclaimer: Fiction can be SUCH nasty fun. :P

            “MOM! HOME!” Nate called out, dropping his backpack to the ground in front of the door. He shrugged after a few moments, not hearing a response. “Huh, she must be out or something.” The 17 year old looked at his best friend, Pat.

“You know what that means…” Pat dropped his backpack, a smirk on his face.

“OH HELL NO!” Nate shook his head, tearing after Pat as Pat ran into the living room grabbing the remote control. Seconds later, Nate tackled Pat onto the couch, trying as hard as he could to get the remote from the other boy’s hands. “WE ARE NOT WATCHING YOUR MTV SHIT AGAIN!”

“WELL I DON’T WANT TO WATCH LAW AND ORDER!” Pat held the remote tightly in one hand, trying to keep Nate at bay with the other.

“I’m gonna getcha!” Nate placed his hands on Pat’s stomach, tickling him, trying his best to steal the controller away from his best friend.

“No, you’re not!” Pat objected to the tickling, thrashing about in an attempt to get Nate to stop. He kicked his legs as best he could, wriggling around on the couch to escape the tickling attacks of his friend. However, the couch was not big enough for both the two boys and the struggle for the remote, and in an instant, they were on the floor, Pat on top of Nate, looking down in surprise at the other boy, who looked just as shocked. The remote control had fallen from Pat’s grasp and was a few feet away from where the boys had landed on the carpet.

A devious smirk crossed Nate’s lips and he reached back, trying to get the control. Pat, unwilling to give the fight up, grabbed Nate’s wrists, pinning his friend down on the carpet. Nate let out a whimper, acknowledging that it was his turn to thrash about, attempting to get away. However, Pat’s iron grip remained firm, denying Nate the ability to get away, at all, let alone get far enough to reach the remote.

“Ha, gotcha.” Pat stuck out his tongue, teasing Nate.

“Don’t stick that tongue out - you just might lose it,” Nate snarled, trying to sound angry despite the grin on his face.

“Empty threats don’t scare me,” Pat returned.

“Oh, you think that’s an empty threat, do you?” Nate challenged. “Do it again. Go on, I dare you.”

“No.” Pat shook his head.

“You see?” Nate laughed. “You’re afraid I’ll actually bite it off.”

“Am not.”

“Are so.”





“AM NOT!” Pat shrieked.

“Prove it then!” Nate grinned, enjoying the high pitched squeal.

“Fine.” Pat closed his eyes, sticking his tongue out, slightly worried that his best friend would make good on the offer. After a couple of seconds, however, Nate had still done nothing, and Pat opened one eye just in time to see Nate’s head coming towards his. He panicked, quickly removing his tongue from the line of danger just in time for Nate’s lips to make contact with his own.

“OW!” Pat pulled away. It hadn’t hurt, but he wasn’t sure what else to say.

“Well if you hadn’t moved your tongue it-”

“Would have hurt one hell of a lot more!” Pat finished, interrupting Nate.

“Well yeah, I mean I guess that is a possibility,” Nate admitted.

“You were actually going to bite it! You little shit!”

“Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t.” Nate teased.

“You little bitch!” Pat’s eyes widened, surprised by Nate’s malicious grin.

“Eh, you like it.” Nate shrugged, choosing Pat’s moment of shock to pull his arm free of Pat’s grip, reaching again for the remote.

“OH NO YOU DON’T!” Pat grabbed Nate’s wrist again, falling forward slightly in the process so that he was practically lying down on top of Nate.

“Get off!” Nate whined.

“No.” Pat shook his head. “This way, you can’t get the remote.”

“Yeah, but now you can’t get it either,” Nate pointed out.

“That’s…that’s true.” Pat frowned as he looked at Nate.

“Well this sucks,” Nate stated, his face contorting to display a slightly confused expression. “I guess we’ll just have to stay all cozy like this.”

“I guess so.” Pat shrugged slightly, not intending to give in.

“You will surrender to me.” After a few minutes, Nate spoke again, looking up at Pat. “I will win this.”

“Oh you will not.” Pat rolled his eyes.

“Yes, I will.” Nate smirked, not giving Pat the chance to speak before pressing his lips against his friend’s. The other boy was so surprised by the kiss that he relaxed his grip again, giving Nate the chance that he needed to wriggle away and grab the remote. “HAHA!” Nate sat up, holding the remote triumphantly, displaying his trophy to a rather disgruntled Pat.

“That’s cheating,” he whispered, though his heart wasn’t really in the accusation.

“You’re just jealous that you didn’t think of it first,” Nate stated.

“You…you kissed me…” Pat looked up, his eyes wide with shock.

“Yeah, so?” Nate shrugged, turning the TV on, switching to Spike TV to watch NCIS.

“So this.” Pat lunged forwards, knocking the remote from Nate’s hands and tackling the boy, pinning him back against the floor.

Once he had Nate down, Pat wasted little time capturing Nate’s lips in another kiss, this one determined, intentional, wanting. For a moment, Nate was frozen with surprise, unable to do anything for long enough that Pat was beginning to regret his actions.

“I’m sorry,” Pat whispered, pulling back from the kiss awkwardly, feeling both stupid and hurt.

“Hey.” Nate smiled, putting his hand on the back of Pat’s neck, preventing Pat from climbing off of him. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.” Nate reached for the remote, turning the television off before focusing his attention back on Pat. “Nothing at all.” He tilted his head upwards, kissing Pat softly. “I started it, after all.”

“I guess you have a point there.” Pat couldn’t hide his own grin as he leaned back down, kissing Nate again.

“So, how long then?” Nate asked several minutes later as Pat climbed off of him.

“How long what?” Pat frowned, trying to smooth his hair back into place.

“How long have you wanted me?” Nate asked.

“You’re so arrogant!” Pat stated. “What makes me think I want you?”

“The same thing that’s got you thinking I want you,” Nate pointed out.

“Oh.” Pat nodded, awkwardly biting his lip.

“You’re not wrong, you know,” Nate stated.

“I’m not?” Pat asked, turning his head to look at Nate.

“Um, no.” Nate shook his head. “If you were wrong, we wouldn’t have spent the last 15 minutes making out on my living room floor.”

“Oh.” Pat nodded. “So you don’t do that with all of your friends?”

“Well, only my best friend,” Nate teased.

“Oh.” Pat frowned.

“Pat…” Nate rolled his eyes. “That would be you…”

“Oh, I knew that.” Pat smiled.

“Sure you did.” Nate leaned in, kissing Pat on the cheek. “You can be so slow sometimes.”

“I’m not slow!” Pat argued.

“Yes, you are.” Nate nodded. “I’ve been throwing myself at you for like…two months now, just ask Kieren.”

“You told Kieren?!” Pat asked.

“No, he figured it out.”

“He figured it out? But Kieren’s got the deductive skills of a raisin!”

“Like I said,” Nate laughed. “You’re slow.”

“Oh.” Pat sighed.

“It’s ok.” Nate put his arm around Pat, kissing his cheek again. “Slow looks good on you.”

“Everything looks good on me,” Pat laughed.

“Oh, look who’s arrogant now!”

“Shut up.”

“Make me,” Nate goaded.

“Fine then.” Pat smiled momentarily before pressing his lips back to Nate’s.

slash challenge, pate, slash, fanfiction

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