Dear Nothing - Chapter 14 {All Time Low, Sing It Loud and Bring Me the Horizon}

Dec 17, 2009 14:52

Title: Dear Nothing
Author: havah24601
Rating: M
Characters: Jack Barakat (All Time Low), Pat Brown (Sing It Loud), Nate Flynn (Sing It Loud), Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low), Zack Merrick (All Time Low), Oli Sykes (Bring Me the Horizon), Tom Sykes
Pairings: Zack Merrick/Alex Gaskarth, Nate Flynn/Pat Brown (other pairings still undetermined)
Warnings: Abuse, violence, psychological torture, kidnap
POV: 1st Person, switches between all characters, as the story is written in journal entries.
Summary: A wealthy 16 year old boy goes missing only six months after a boy who had been presumed dead for over a year turned up unconscious outside of his school, unable to recall the majority of the past 17 months. Another boy tries to reclaim the love that he lost when the first boy disappeared while a fourth boy searches tirelessly to find the first. A young man finds himself growing up too fast, harming others in an attempt to protect the only person that he truly loves while a teenage boy works to keep both himself and the people around him sane as he balances the weight of the situation on his shoulders.
Disclaimer: Thank GOD this is fictional!
Author's Note: Enjoy!

Dear Someone,

To say that I was frightened being shoved in the trunk of the car as they took me away again would be an understatement. I had been so close to freedom, but my bliss wasn’t worth times life and I knew that, as well as Oli. I would see Alex again, I would be free. I told myself this over and over again while I curled up in the trunk because I had one thing on my side that they didn’t. This time around I knew who my captors were. I knew what they wanted, and in a way, I had the upper hand. When they pulled me from the trunk, they shoved a hood of some sort over my head, forcing me back into the room before the removed it and just like that, I was alone. Again.

I fell back on my the bed and curled up into a ball. I had been strong so far, but I couldn’t do that anymore, not if I wanted to get out of here. I had to be what they wanted me to be, but I still had to go slowly - slowly, but surely, insane. If what Oli had said was true, they were waiting for me to lose it and, the sooner I did, the sooner I would get out of here. I squeezed my eyes shut, held one of the pillows tight and let all of the tears and concern for myself and for Alex come out in shaky, wet tears.

I’m not sure how long I waited, refusing the meal they had sent through for me, refusing my normal routine. I stayed in the bed, not watching any sort of time go by, not even through my tiny, prison-cell window. I know that it couldn’t have been too long, though, because it didn’t feel like long. Things weren’t going to take the turn that I had expected, not in the slightest.

I woke up to the loud ringing of gunshots and instantly, panic filled me. I did the best I knew how and crawled under my bed, hiding, keeping myself from harm as best I could in this prison. It was like that for several minutes, I’m not sure how long, before the door burst open. I stayed cowered under the bed, terrified, until someone got on their stomach and reached a hand under the bed.

“It’s alright, son,” he said quietly. “My name’s Officer DeLuca, I’m here to take you home.”

“Wh-what?” I looked up at him, allowing him to help me out from under the bed.

“This is over.” He smiled. “Someone called in and tipped us off about this place, you’re going home.”

“Oh.” I couldn’t help but feel skeptical, after all, Oli had said that to me the first time and that hadn’t turned out as well as I had hoped.

“Now just tell us where to take you and that’s where we’ll get you. In a few days, we’ll want to ask you some questions, but we’ll give you some time to recuperate. We’ll just need your name, a phone number and an address. If you’re hurt, we’d be glad to take you to the hospital.”

“Okay. I’m…I’m Zack Merrick…” I took the pen and paper they gave me and scribbled down my home phone number and my house address, letting the police officers escort me to their car. I got in the back and just sat there, eyes squeezed shut, praying that this was all finally over, that I could actually go home, be with the people that I loved, and not have to deal with any of this anymore.

-Zack Merrick

Dear No One,

He’s back. He’s asleep right now, on the bed curled up into a little ball next to me, but he’s back. When his mother called me and told me that the police had brought Zack home several hours ago, I couldn’t believe it. I had been sure that Oliver would do what he could to take care of Zack, but I didn’t know he would work so fast and a part of me, didn’t believe that he had the rescue in him at all. His mother told me that I could come over, that she was sorry she hadn’t called me sooner and I left Jack’s house immediately. Jack told me he would stay with Tom, that he would see Zack tomorrow as he didn’t want to overwhelm Zack.

The second I saw Zack, I started crying and he didn’t take much longer. I pulled him into my arms and everything felt better - not perfect, but better. He spent hours telling me what happened to him and I just held him like I always had, keeping him as close as possible until he finally fell asleep. He’s been asleep for hours now. I’m not sure how long to be exact, but it’s at least three hours that I’ve been watching him.

He’s beautiful, absolutely beautiful. He looks like he did when he first left me - when he was first taken. His hair is a little longer and he’s thinner, but he’s beautiful and he’s still my Zack. When I finish writing, I’m going to slide down next to him, wrap my arm around his waist and pull him all of the way against me, as close as possible so that he can’t get away from me again. I want to smother him with kisses, but I’m sure that the one we shared before bed will be more than enough for tonight. He’s had a lot to deal with and I don’t want to overwhelm him.

I don’t know how to feel about this situation. I know that having him back is a blessing more than any that I should have been expecting, but I can’t help but be selfish - to wish that this had never happened and that the Zack lying down next to me was the same Zack that it had been before, but I know that it’s not. This Zack is different. This Zack is hurt, wounded, damaged, but he’s by no means dead and he loves me, so that’s what’s important, right? He told me so when he first entered my arms tonight and he told me again before he fell asleep. After all that Zack’s been through, he still loves me and that’s what matters in the end, isn’t it? That’s all that matters - that he loves me and I love him.

I’m going to go now, to go hold him, fall asleep next to him knowing that this wait, this unbearable pain is over. I know that I’ve got a long way to go before I’ll be alright, let alone before Zack will be, but we’re together again, and it’s all going to be fine.



jalex, dear nothing, pate, slash, fanfiction

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