Jul 03, 2007 11:53
A few weeks ago there was special olympic state games in which I judged at. I was really nervous the first day but it went really well. In fact so well that the head judge wants me to help her start up a special olympic program in albany for the exchange of helping me get into shape and try for empire state games. Empires were her idea. I never mentioned that I wanted to try for them again. I am really worried about training again. I don't know if my knee can handle it and I don't want another surgery. Fast forward to last friday when I went home to take care of some wedding stuff. The head coach that I trained under held a practice for me so I could see all my girls. It was wonderful to see them and since she was taping for her own use she asked if I could vault some squat on and straddle since the girl who usually does them hurt her back. SO I was like I will give it a shot. Then I asked the head coach if she could spot me on a back handspring on tramp and see did. After a few with spotting I did some by myself. My knee felt weak but thats all. The next day I had absolutely no pain and no swelling. I was so thankful for this and perhaps I can still do gymnastics.