Oct 21, 2008 11:51
Go to urbandictionary. com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you.
1) Your name?
a bubble o bill o bum
2) Your age?
29: The age at which most women stop aging (or so they say!)
3) One of your friends?
alice: A lady's miniature PHALLUS; a clitoris of the type which readily SPRINGS into action.
4) What should you be doing?
cleaning: (v) The act of shoving everything in a closet and calling it decent.
5) Favorite color?
red: 1) a communist
2) CCC tablet (Coricidin, OTC anti-tussive medicine)
6) Hometown?
The Capital of the world, only rival New York. Incorporates the best of both Europe and America. Unlike in New York the Tube stations are Clearly signposted. Unlike New York the streets are all squigley and it is really really old. South of the river Thames is a mythical land that those on the North talk about in nervous whispers, but it actually isn't that bad and is fast becoming the only place in the city besides cardboard boxes that is affordable to live in. Stand in the middle of the Millenium footbridge and turn around in a 360 degree circle. Go on the London eye. Don't visit the London Dungeons. Go shopping on portabello road, or in Camden, not in Covent Garden. Go to the opera in Regent's park, and to speaker's corner in Hyde park on a sunday afternoon. Trafalger Square in the evening, Leicester square at mid-day. Karl Marx and Charles Dickens are buried in Highgate cemetary. Ealing is queen of the suburbs.
All of life is there.
7) Month of your birthday?
The eigth month of the year characterized by cookouts and swimming!
8) Last person you talked to?
jon: Jon Short For Jonathan Meaning Gift From God....also known as a sex GOD ... Jonathan is a nice, well respected person and gets what he wants. Cares for his Girl friend and his close friends (they're basicly family). Jonathan Also Cares For His Family Sooo Much.
9) What did you last eat?
sandwich: 2 men penetrating a woman from both sides at the same time, vaginally and anally.
10) Your nickname?
eva: Hot International Girl, International Hotness, Hot Foreign Girl, Exotic Spaniard, Hot Spanish Girl, etc...
And definitely and most importantly NOT a Hueva.