Jun 04, 2005 19:52

High school is officially over. I’m sooo happy right now. Been a great weekend so far. They gave me a bible and some book on coasting… two things I will never use. The diploma is cool though. And for the little speech about what I was good at, they said sciences and how my work was always thorough and well done! HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! WOW… no words can describe that. It would have been even funnier if it were from Dr. Houk.

Annnyway, Steve, you let me down… was looking forward to another sweet nite in the hot tub. Sigh, gotta find something to do tonight before I go crazy (ok, fine… go more crazy).

My Grandparents gave me a really large check for graduation, far too large but be that as it may, I will be buying a car now. I just need to decide which one I want and then find a place that has one for about how much I have. I haven’t opened the other gifts yet but this rocks. Oh, and work sucks… I want to go to senior week but I don’t know if I can get off… maybe I’ll quit, who knows. I do want to find another job though cause I’m only working 12 hour weeks right now.
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