Umm... Just an Update

Apr 12, 2005 20:24

Today was really boring. Frisbee was non existant and now it's canceled until we get a field of our own... ie never happening again.

Finch has decided to kick douche-ness into high gear. For homework every night, we have 5-6 free response problems and 4-5 pages of multiple choice problems with about 8 questions per page. Yeah... its a bitch.

Also today in class, he decided to kick me out for studying econ... Rubun and Jeff talk the entire time and don't get in trouble... whereas I am trying to study for an impossible test in a few periods and he kicks me out. Well not exactly kicks me out, but basically said leave if you're going to study... so I did. We'll see what happens tomorrow but I think he's pissed...

I keep hearing positive feedback about my speech, which is really unexpected. I'm glad though... and I really wasn't that nervous while I was giving it. My leg started to shake after I finished though, lol.

I can't understand why teachers are giving us so much work now. They don't seem to understand what time of year it is. When there is no incentive for us to do work, we aren't going to do any. It's that simple.
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