(no subject)

Feb 24, 2005 22:04

Top seven things you say most:

1. Fuck off!
2. I love you
3. Laaame
4. it's not a big deal
5. yes? no?
6. Goddamnit
7. I dont think you're taking the journey with me

Do You:
Smoke? - yeah
Do drugs? - no
Read the newspaper? - no
Pray? - sometimes
Have a Job? - i'm currently unemployed
Attend Church? - not often...just weddings, baptisms and funerals

Have you ever:
Been in love? - sure
Gone skinny dipping? - hahaha...7 naked girls in a pool
had surgery? - i had my knee operated on
swam in the dark? - again, 7 naked girls and one half naked boy in a pool
Been to a Bonfire? - no
Been drunk? - not really
Ran away from home? - i wanted to
Played strip poker? - no, i dont have
Gotten beaten up? - yea
Been on stage? - singing, yes
Slept outdoors? - no
Pulled an all nighter? - all the time
Been on radio/tv? nope
Been in a mosh-pit? - no
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? - yea

In the past 24 Hours have you...
Cried? - yes
Bought something? -yes
Gotten sick? yes
Sang? -of course
Been kissed? - yes
Felt stupid? - sure have
Talked to an ex? - yea...sorry gary
Talked to someone you had a crush on- i'll never tell
Missed someone? - i miss him whenever he goes
Hugged someone? - but of course ;)
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