Today, is Sunday. Tomorrow, is Monday. I leave tomorrow afternoon around 1:50 or so to go back to school one continent to the right, depending if you live in North America, or not.
This weekend was a whole lot of fun. I got to see all my friends and visit with people I needed to see. I didn't really take care of EVERYTHING I needed to, but, I'm content.
Anyway, I am woken up this morning to hear that I need to go home as soon as possible to my Grandmother's to watch her since my Dad has gone to the doctor. I got up and got sorted out and was driven by a friend over to my Grandmother's to find out my Dad had gone into the ER for a CAT scan.
Grandmom said he had 'been up all night' being sick. I called jim and found out he had an appendicitis and was going into surgery immediately.
Anyway, I've talked to him on and off this evening and he's okay. My aunt drove down from Atlanta and is watching Grandmom while I come over to pack and sort things out.
It's sort of weird it happened on my last day, huh?
How was your weekend?