Hello everyone! I’m currently a senior in college, and for my anthropology class we have to do an ethnography on a group of people. I decided that for my ethnography I would study paranormal enthusiasts and investigators. In order to understand this community better, I was wondering if there were people willing to answer some questions. The questions are under the cut, so feel free to answer them at your pleasure. You’re welcome to elaborate as much as you (the more the merrier!) and add anything extra that I didn’t ask about. I really appreciate it! (Moderators: If this isn’t allowed, I apologize in advance.)
What got you involved in the paranormal? What kind of paranormal most interests you? Why?
Why did you join this community/blog/forum? Are you an active member?
Do you belong to any other types of groups that relate to the paranormal?
Are there any other activities that you do that involve the paranormal? (E.g. ghost tours, ghost hunting, etc…)
How do you think this community/blog/forum is most used?
Is this community/blog/forum very active?
How do you respond to individuals or groups of people that criticize your beliefs/experiences?
Are there any type of meet-ups with members from this community/blog/forum?
If so, what do you do during this meet-ups?