*grumble*.....well not really ...HEHE

Jan 30, 2003 11:42

It took me 3 hours to get to work this morning....

The idiots were out in full force this morning. Traffic was backed up for MILES. People were making U turns in the muddy median and getting stuck causing more problems. People were driving down the shoulder of the road tired of waiting and causing more incidents. I just laughed. I didn't think anything could bother me...

I pasted the exit 10 on ramp and a guy was driving in the grass, half on half off the shoulder of the road trying to get over into a real lane of traffic. I laughed more, got into the lane nearest to the median. I was attempting to get away from the crazyies. I thought I had suceeded when I see a car that in driving on the muddy grassy median with his blinker on to get back into traffic. Sure enough he stops beside me and tries to get in between me and the car in front of me.
One of my pet peeves are peopl that can't seem to wait and think that their business is more important than yours. I respond as anybody would.. I ease so close to the car infront of me that a sheet of paper would have a hard time getting between us. All of the cars around follow suit. Needless to say, the guy (mister X from here on out) was not happy. He stopped his car, opened the door, and started shouting nothing but good pure thoughts (HEHE) to all that would listen. People honked and yelled back. Again I laughed. One person rolled down his window and shouted to mister X that he should not be allowed to breed and passhis stupidity on to anybody else. Mister X responded with a few words of wisdom and slammed his door, locking his keys inside with the car running.... (i can only assume this because he was having a fit..HEHE) as i drove away, everybody was congradulating him on his intellectual prowess.
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