Dec 28, 2005 00:37
Christmas eve was fun!It was at my cousin Laura's house.It was really nice.She hired a cook,had christmas music,great appetizers,delicious desserts,& the family.It was quite pleasant.Even though my cousin & her boyfriend got extremely stressed but other than that things went pretty well.I opened my gifts & I was extremely happy with what I got but I havenot yet received my iPOD.I'll get it when my dad comes back.YAY ^_^ !
Christmas day my family & I roasted ham & we feasted in the park 'till 6:12 in the afternoon.Then on Christmas night I was off to JACKIE'S HOUSE!!!YAY!!!! I <3 JACKIE!!!!It was totally awsome!We laughed,took pictures,judged guys on myspace,& jammed to Madonna!It was cool!& I had the BEST CHEESE CAKE EVER!!!!!!It was ORGASMIC & FAT FREE!!!!In other words: JACKIE IS SUPERCALAFRADJILISTIKESPIALIDOCIOUS!!!!!!!!!
Yesturday I went out with an old friend & 2 new ones.They were Yenni (Old Friend), Bruce,& James.IT WAS SO0 AWSOME! Bruce came down to visit from minnisota (I spelled that wrong I think).Well anyway he rented a car.IT WAS A CONVERTABLE!It was so0 HOT!1st I met up with them at Dadeland because Bruce wanted to buy James a christmas gift.After he got his gift.We headed towards The Falls.The car ride was awsome!Roof top down jamming to danceable music.I felt so0 cool!!!! (wow what a loser!).So we get to the falls,check out movie times.James & I saw Memoires Of A Geisha .The others saw Fun With Dick & Jane.I <3 Memoires Of A Geisha.
But before that we ate at friday's.After the movie James,Yenni,& I walk around, while Bruce was with some chick,which is Yenni's friend.Then when Yenni's friend had to go, James & I walked to Bruce's car while Bruce & Yenni walked their friend.
So then when James & I get there,we decide to give the other 2 a bit of a scare.
It was cold outside so we put on the heater,we put our hand prints on the back & side windows (all messy as if they were in motion while they came in contact),then I sat behind the passanger seat,& James sits on the driver's seat.We waited....& then we saw them.So we started jumping up & down making the car shake side to side. LMAO! Obviously it looked wrong from the outside but in the inside we were just cracking up because they were even afraid to approach the car! Then Bruce approaches screaming & saying things like "If I find any stain at all! I'll kick both of your asses!" LMAO IT WAS AWSOME!After that Bruce dropped us all off to James's house. His mom dropped Yenni off a bus stop & then drove me home.In a nice BMW (I felt so0 cool).Then I got home,& went to bed a little later.
Today I woke up & my mom persuaded me to get the internet going.So I did.
I downloaded a anti-spyware program 1st,2nd AIM,3rd MSN MESSENGER,& finnaly I downlaoded something I never have before: ARES!!!!
So I got a few songs,chatted,looked around myspace,checked my mail,& now updating my LJ.
Basicaly these past few days have been AWSOME!& this is the conclusion of this LJ entry. If you read this,thank you for taking the time to read this whole thing (if you read the whole thing),& PLEASE COMMENT!
I <3 you aLL!