Jun 22, 2008 10:28
This is from my fiance Christina. If you want to come, feel free. Just let us know so we can get a good count. I realize most the people that read this are out of the area, but if you are in the area feel free to stop by.
What: Sean's 28th B-Day Celebration
Date: June 28th, Saturday
Time: Starting at 4:00 p.m. until Late
Where: Friend's house in Auburn. (Ben and Lori) 4309 S. 347th St., Auburn, WA 98001
What to bring: Potluck style. Bring munchies, meat to cook, and/or something to contribute to the beverage table.
RSVP: Please RSVP to either this string, my email address, or call at 425-214-1208 (home) or 503-750-0966 (cell).
Additional info:
This will be an indoor/outdoor get-together. There will be tables, a pavilion, a bbq, and a fire pit. Boffers are perfectly fine to bring... knock yourselves out. The house has cats, but they will likely be put away during the party. Crash space is available for those of you that might need it. The hosts usually make their gaming consoles available during their parties, and I believe they have Rock Band for those of you interested (it is pretty fun in groups).