I'm starting to wonder why everyone- me included- is so hard on Stargate Atlantis. In the four plus weeks I've been on nightshift, I've downloaded and watched every episode up to 3x10, and to be honest it really is quite entertaining
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Plus, Joss Whedon is pretty good at writing ;)
Battlestar Galactica is so awesome because of what Ron Moore calls "naturalistic science fiction". Essentially, there's nothing in BSG (aside from the whole space battleships and robot warriors :P )that would be pretty much impossible on real life. The ships dont use "sensors" that can see forever, they rely on a RADAR-type device. Space combat obeys the laws of physics (in the way that things move). They have to be in radio range to talk to another ship. Phones have cables :D Things like that. And there are no aliens :)
I love Ben Bowder and Claudia Black. Cam and Vala are two of my fav characters :D Also: Farscape ruled.
As for Star Trek... I used to think of myself as a fan, but these days it seems too contrived and "fake", for want of a better phrase, to be anything more than light entertainment. That said, I want to get some DS9, a show I never really watched till the last couple of seasons. It was always more about political intrigue than "pure" scifi, so that could be interesting.
And I could never watch Millenium, I kept thinking back to Aliens whenever Lance Henriksenn came on screen :P
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