Jan 10, 2009 03:30
I have forfeited the grand illusion of the ages: Superficiality, external interaction, verbal eloquence and articulation; trashed. What if any relevance could these inane concepts actually hold? I am uncertain as to how it was that they were ever so relevant in my recent past. The recent past seems like a daydream, perplexing and challenging my comprehension of self. Have I progressed? Have I regressed? Am I balanced? These questions are irrelevant. There is no center of the universe. There is no new matter ever created. We, and every object in this universe are connected, as it is, everything in existence formed from recycled stars. We are simply, the murky left over residue from a single initial explosion, a pinpoint of infinite mass density, what some (thought not I) would refer to as the face of god.
If a person is walking on the equator they are traveling at 1000 km/hr (in rotation)
If a person is standing still in Michigan they are traveling apx. 700 km/hr (in rotation)
The earth on which we stand revolves around the sun at a speed of 108000 km/hr
The solar system with in which our sun resides moves within the milky way at a speed of 900000 km/hr
The Earth is located in a distal arm of the milky way galaxy which itself travels at a speed of 1080000 km/hr
The milky way galaxy exists within the local group of galaxies along with andromeda and several other small galaxies, the local group has its own rotation at the unfathomable speed of 3000000 km/hr
And we don’t feel a fucking thing.