Haunted Graphics Tutorial #1

Oct 28, 2005 10:44

Since i've been kinda lucky with this style I decided to show everybody how to make it

go from this
to this

This is my first tutorial so don't hate me if it confuses you. You must have basic knowledge of Paint Shop pro.

I think you might be able to do most of it on photoshop,but I haven't tried it so i'm not sure.

This Icon was made with Paint Shop Pro 9

Start with a base that's 100x100 Pixels
(I used this one of Kelly Clarkson)

Sharpen the base,duplicate two times,desaturate both,set the first layer ( the middle one) to Multiply 70% and the second layer to softlight 100%,merge all

Go to Adjust - Photofix- Digital camera noice removal change the settings until your satisfied I set the setting to about 11.0
Use the soften tool to soften up the peices that are still choppy See Step

use the selection tool to select the section of the Icon with the eyes, copy it and paste it as a new image, go to image - add borders - and give it a 1px white border, then mirror it by clicking Ctrl M

Copy it and paste it on the base

Next go to the background layer and delete the left side

Now select part of the face,and paste it as a new layer, then mirror it, and place it on the left side

select one of the eyes from the base image,paste it as a new image, go to image - add borders give it a 3 px white border,then mirror it

paste it on the base in the lower left hand corner of the original image right where it goes into the white

then add some small text and a few X's and you're done

If you're lazy here's a white outline of the style

Here's some Icons I made with this style

The Nick one got me first place at bsb_i_challenge
The Kelly one got me first place at idol_challenge
The Jennifer one got me third place at lopez_challenge

kelly clarkson, tutorials

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