(no subject)

Aug 22, 2005 15:42

Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Which of your friends should fiercerose go out with? well i really hope it should be mike, seeing as how they are engaged and all
2) If pretty492 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? i suppose it would depend on why she was raising an army
3) Could you see mrcrowley412 and pretty492 together? not really, no
4) 4degrees's hair color? reddish brown
5) Would you wrestle madmal in jello? probably not. now pudding...
6) Does pretty492 travel a lot? does going back and forth from the mountains count?
7) What mental disorder does dorslain remind you of? hmmmm....better not answer that one.
8) Is madmal friends with dorslain? yes
9) How would 4degrees kill fiercerose? i really hope he wouldn't
10) What color should pretty492 dye their hair? plaid
11) Have you ever dated pretty492? well there was that one time....
12) Would you set up fiercerose and dorslain? uh, no
13) Is 4degrees your best friend? no, but he is my roomate
14) Would pretty492 be a better ninja or pirate? definately a pirate
15) If dorslain and madmal were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the ass
16) Is pretty492 a nerd? yes
17) Do mrcrowley412 and fiercerose go to the same school? no
18) If 4degrees and dorslain were spliced together, what would it be like? you mean they aren't?
19) What would 4degrees give pretty492 for his/her birthday? not sure, i suppose it would dpend on his mood at the time he purchased the gift
20) Where was fiercerose born? don't know
21) Does mrcrowley412 smoke? is fire hot, do birds fly?
22) Has fiercerose been to your house/dorm? yes. multiple times
23) Is fiercerose related to you? no
24) If fiercerose was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? drug free boy.
25) Is pretty492 single? no
26) Where would dorslain most like to visit? probably, a bar of sorts
27) dorslain's eye color? green
28) Which president would 4degrees be likely to idolize? um, i'm not sure, but if i had to wager a guess, i'd have to say kennedy
29) Where was madmal born? what's up w/ the where were thy born quesions already. yeah. i don't know
30) What planet should mrcrowley412 be from? Pluto
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