Feb 12, 2005 14:19
... so yeah.. when the weathers warmer we need to go find us some ghost-es
East Sandwich Grange Hall
... County Road
near the 6a sandwich post office
= Haunted
Rawk Rock On?
ok.. peace out gs-
let me know if your interested in joining me.. in the warmer type time
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about 2 years ago (?), my friend and i were driving on the cape, i believe it was off of exit 1 (off of Rt 6), and we were driving towards her brother's house, for some reason we had to pull to the side of the road, not sure if it was due to an odd feeling we both had, or if there was a problem, but there were these random woods and a really random shed-type stone building, i heard things, as did she. Didn't know if anyone had heard of anything around there- couldn't retrace it if i tried, but i could always call her and find the directions-
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