Sorry. So subtle am I. So subtle and crafty that I too had no idea why I was nudging you to watch Gormenghast! What's with the nudge nudge wink wink? I must have had some sort of fit. Sorry.
Oh!!! I've now remembered that I'm referring to costumesarelove. Perhaps I should post Gormenghast...hmmm...
As for The Tudors - the sleeveless doublet...what is going on there? They've made Henry a screaming and insufferable brat. Perhaps I'm alone in understanding his position in some way. I mean the importance in continuing the line was everything. I'm not condoning his penchant for lopping of the heads of wives and all that jazz, but I don't catagorise him as being a stupid, evil bigamist. An egotistical man perhaps, but I don't that's unusual for men in a position of power. Hold on, where was I? Oh yes, sleeveless doublets = bad. LOL! Ramble much.
Have you read the Eric Ives biography of Anne Boleyn? I've just bought a Joanna Denny (?) bio, but I've heard that the Eric Ives one is the ultimate.
Have you seen the ITV's Henry VIII with Ray Winstone? OMG, cockney King Hal. *splutter*
I don't think Henry was a monster or a complete git or anything close to that--I think he was in reality a very intelligent person who was unfortunately willing to do almost anything to have a son and secure his family's place in the monarchy. It's too bad no one realized back then that you could do that just as well or better with DAUGHTERS but oh well. If there is an afterlife I bet he's kicking himself. Which would be funny to watch. And difficult given his huge girth, ha. I crack myself up :P.
I have read some of the Ives biography, though I can't say I've read it all the way through. I do own it though. It's definitely the best one, not biased one way or the other, which is nice. So many bios of Anne are either like 'she was a saint murdered by Henry' or 'she was the devil incarnate who ate Catholics for dinner and beat her step daughter.' Ives is very good, and Fraser also does well with her bio of Anne, though it's not as detailed obviously since her book is about all 6 wives. I haven't heard anything about the Denny bio, though I was offered a free copy that never materialized. Oh wellllll.
The Ray Winestone Henry was just sooo wrong. I mean they made it seem like Henry was a cut purse who killed enough people with his bare hands to become King. And Helena Bonham Carter, who played Anne, was SO PREGNANT during the ENTIRE thing. What a waste.
You should definitely post Gormenghast, I'd love to see it :).
Oh!!! I've now remembered that I'm referring to costumesarelove. Perhaps I should post Gormenghast...hmmm...
As for The Tudors - the sleeveless doublet...what is going on there? They've made Henry a screaming and insufferable brat. Perhaps I'm alone in understanding his position in some way. I mean the importance in continuing the line was everything. I'm not condoning his penchant for lopping of the heads of wives and all that jazz, but I don't catagorise him as being a stupid, evil bigamist. An egotistical man perhaps, but I don't that's unusual for men in a position of power. Hold on, where was I? Oh yes, sleeveless doublets = bad. LOL! Ramble much.
Have you read the Eric Ives biography of Anne Boleyn? I've just bought a Joanna Denny (?) bio, but I've heard that the Eric Ives one is the ultimate.
Have you seen the ITV's Henry VIII with Ray Winstone? OMG, cockney King Hal. *splutter*
I have read some of the Ives biography, though I can't say I've read it all the way through. I do own it though. It's definitely the best one, not biased one way or the other, which is nice. So many bios of Anne are either like 'she was a saint murdered by Henry' or 'she was the devil incarnate who ate Catholics for dinner and beat her step daughter.' Ives is very good, and Fraser also does well with her bio of Anne, though it's not as detailed obviously since her book is about all 6 wives. I haven't heard anything about the Denny bio, though I was offered a free copy that never materialized. Oh wellllll.
The Ray Winestone Henry was just sooo wrong. I mean they made it seem like Henry was a cut purse who killed enough people with his bare hands to become King. And Helena Bonham Carter, who played Anne, was SO PREGNANT during the ENTIRE thing. What a waste.
You should definitely post Gormenghast, I'd love to see it :).
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